Anyone who has ever done errands with kids in tow will appreciate how much faster it is to shop without them. The kids were napping this afternoon (or refusing to nap in Caleb’s case), and I headed out to run some errands. I was able to make six stops in just over an hour. No way I could have done that with 2 kids in tow.
#1 – Blockbuster
I ran in to return Bella (which was okay but not great) and pick up Hogfather for Dave (which I hope to not have to watch). This was free because we have Blockbuster Total Access and can return movies we got by mail and get a free rental from the store.
#2 – Walgreens
I picked up my ink cartridge refill that I dropped off a few weeks ago. It cost $5 instead of the $25 a new cartridge would cost. I paid with a Walgreens gift card and $1.02 in cash.
#3 – Bank
I cashed a check to use for lunch money when we go to the Georgia Aquarium tomorrow.
#4 – Aldi
I spent about $30 here. Aldi has the lowest prices on several different things, so I try to stop in there every week or two. Some examples are Beef Bologna for $1.09, 1 dozen eggs for $1.25, a gallon of milk for $2.49, strawberries for $1.99, hamburger and hotdog buns for $.79 and a whole pineapple for $.99. If you have an Aldi near you, you really should check it out.
#5- Taco Bell
I had a coupon for a free Fruitista Freeze, which I thought would be perfect for a hot day like today. Unfortunately, the machine was broken, but they gave me a free drink instead and let me keep my coupon to use another time.
#6 – Publix
There are a few things that I can’t get at Aldi or can get for cheaper on sale with coupons, so I stopped in to Publix as well. I spent around $30 there, too, and I saved $30. Some of the good deals I got at Publix this week were:
Hebrew National hotdogs – B1G1F, 2 $.75 coupons
Europe’s frozen berry mix (I use this for smoothies) – B1G1F
Glass Plus cleaner – B1G1F, 2 $.50 coupons that doubled
Popsicles – B1G1F
Freschetta frozen pizza – B1G1F, $.75 coupon
I also had a coupon for $5/$35 purchase, but the cashier gave me the discount without me actually having to give him my coupon. So, I get to keep my coupon to use another time.
All in all, it was a very successful trip, and it was good to get out of the house by myself for a little bit.