Since we were gone last week, I had lots to get accomplished this morning. Dave is back at school for pre-planning today, so I took the kids along with me on my errands. They were pretty well-behaved, which was nice. In addition to all the bargain hunting below, we also went to the post office and the library. Here are the best deals that I got -
2 packs Stayfree pads - $5 each, used a B1G1 coupon, got back $5 in ECB, FREE
2 packs gluesticks - FREE after ECBs
2 notebooks - FREE after ECBs
1 Blink eye drops - FREE after ECBs, used a $3.00 coupon, $3.00 money maker!
3 packages of strawberries and 2 packs of blueberries - $.99 each (on sale for $2.50 each at Publix this week)
1 package hot dog buns - $.79
1 chunk cheddar cheese - $1.29
1 package multigrain English muffins - $.99 (on sale at Publix this week for $1.50)
I used a $5/$30 coupon that I received in the mail. I spent $17.26 and saved $65.73 or 79%.
1.08 lb asparagus - $2.69
1 roll paper towels $.99
3 packages Yoplait kids yogurt - 2 were $.60 and 1 was $.70 (I used different coupons)
2 packages Oscar Mayer beef franks - $1.50 each
2 boxes Trail mix cereal - FREE
2 packages Dole pineapple fruit cups - $.68 each
3 boxes Mueller's pasta -$.32 each
8 boxes Velveeta and Kraft macaroni and cheese - $.25 each
1 box Honey Nut Cheerios - $1.00
4 bottles Kraft BBQ sauce - FREE
2 bottles Hunts ketchup - $.48 each
6 slices Boars Head chicken deli sliced breast - $1.98
6 pack Publix bottled water - $.01
1 package Pork spareribs - $5.70