So, my other resolution of sorts is to keep track of all the books I read this year. On one message board I am on, some people are participating in a challenge to read 50 books (so basically one a week) in 2010. I love to read, and I read quickly. But, I don't have a lot of time for reading these days. I do read some books for the English classes that I teach, though. Anyway, it made me wonder how many books I read in a year. I am not including all the books I read to the kids, but I am including the novels I read for teaching. At the end of each month, I plan to share the books that I read that month. So, here's my list for January with a little added commentary.
1) Eat, Shrink, and be Merry by Janet and Greta Podleski - a cookbook that is meant to be read
2) Mommywood by Tori Spelling - okay book, recommended in a parenting magazine I read
3) The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien - for school
4) Shades of Blue by Karen Kingsbury - one of my favorite authors, but not one of her best books
5) The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald - for school
6) The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio by Terry Ryan - quick, easy read
7) The Help by Kathryn Stockett - good book, didn't love the ending, though
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
94% Savings at Kroger
So, I know I said that I was done grocery shopping until Monday, but I ended up needing yellow rice (I accidentally bought the spicy kind on Thursday) and a pie crust for Sunday lunch. And I might have accidentally bought a few deals while I was there. I spent $2.28, which is about how much I would have spent for just the crust and the rice, and I saved $35.78. I'll just include this trip in my February grocery budget.
Old Lady
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
A Beautiful Sight

January grocery spending - $245.01
January grocery savings - $421.30
January savings percent - 66%
I also made another goal for the year, which I'll share sometime next week.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Non-napping Little Girl
Alexa has decided not to nap for the last few days. On Saturday, after she skipped her nap, we had a party to go to at some friends' house. She fell asleep in the car on the way home, and we just put her to be in her clothes.
Sunday we decided not to go to the evening service after she skipped her nap. Of course, she fell asleep in the car again. Here we are cuddling on the couch after we got home.
Monday, no nap yet again. She proceeded to fall down and hurt herself about 15 times that afternoon/evening and wail loudly every time because she was so tired.
Yesterday I had to work, and Grammy watched the kids. Alexa didn't nap again, so my mom got her up. Well, she was sitting on the couch with Grammy watching a movie and fell asleep. When I got home, I laid her down so that my mom could get up. She slept on the couch for all of 10 minutes before Caleb ran in, jumped on the couch, and kicked her without even noticing she was there.
We'll see what happens today especially since she got up on the early side this morning.
Sunday we decided not to go to the evening service after she skipped her nap. Of course, she fell asleep in the car again. Here we are cuddling on the couch after we got home.
Yesterday I had to work, and Grammy watched the kids. Alexa didn't nap again, so my mom got her up. Well, she was sitting on the couch with Grammy watching a movie and fell asleep. When I got home, I laid her down so that my mom could get up. She slept on the couch for all of 10 minutes before Caleb ran in, jumped on the couch, and kicked her without even noticing she was there.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Menu Plan Monday

Tonight - Chicken soft tacos, corn, Mexican rice, black beans
Tuesday - Roast, potatoes, salad, rolls
Wednesday - Pepperoni pizza, carrots and dip
Thursday - BBQ sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, green beans
Friday - Hamburgers, sweet potato fries
Saturday - Chicken alfredo, broccoli
Sunday - Chicken and yellow rice casserole and some other stuff
Friday, January 22, 2010
Three Little Cuties
We have had some unseasonably warm temperatures here this week, so we took advantage of it by playing outside as much as possible. One day I checked the mail when I took the kids outside, and Caleb sat down to read his (junk) mail just like I was doing with my mail.
Last night while I was cooking dinner, Caleb came downstairs to tell me that Alexa had climbed in Jordanna's bed in her room and couldn't get out. She better not try climbing in there when Jordanna is in there!
Right now Jordanna sleeps in our room at night, and she often naps in the swing, one of her favorite places to sleep.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Menu Plan Monday

Tuesday - Crockpot Kielbasa chowder, focaccia bread, salad
Wednesday - Parmesan garlic chicken tenderloins, pasta, broccoli
Thursday - Eggs, bacon, hash browns, smoothies
Friday - ?
Saturday - Bringing bread and brownies to a gathering
Sunday - Roast, potatoes, broccoli, rolls, apple pie
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Like Mother Like Daughter
I was cooking dinner tonight with a very fussy baby strapped to my chest (and Dave nearby to put things in and take them out of the oven) when Alexa came in with her baby and told me she was going to go cook dinner. I couldn't resist getting my old baby carrier for her to use, and she happily cooked at her play kitchen with her baby while I finished making our dinner.

Thursday, January 14, 2010
71% Savings at Kroger
Here are some of the best deals -
4 bottles Gatorade G2 -FREE
6 bags Birds Eye Steamfresh vegetables/rice - FREE
1 package Tyson Split chicken breasts - $.69/lb
5 cups Oikos yogurt - FREE
2 cans Pillsbury cinnamon rolls - $.20 overage each
4 packages Old El Paso sides - $.25 each
5 lbs potatoes - $1.38
2 pouches Starkist tuna - FREE
5 Suave deodorants - FREE
5 Pillsbury brownie mixes - $.20 each
Poor Neglected Blog
Anyway, here's what we've been up to lately.
Saturday - The kids enjoyed playing in the snow some more and drinking hot chocolate when they came inside. After naps, we packed up the van and headed south for the visitation before Grandpa's funeral. One of Grandma's friends was nice enough to let us stay with her for the night so we could avoid driving back home only to return Sunday.
Sunday - We attended church at Grandma's church followed by a lunch for the family and then the funeral. It was bitter cold that day, so Dave stayed in the van with out kids and one extra watching a movie while I attended the grave side service. We drove home just in time for dinner, baths, and bed.
Monday - I finished all my grading for class on Tuesday. Yes, I have had four weeks off to do my grading, but I've been a bit busy with a new baby and such. I also saved 82% at Publix and took all three kids to make my copies for school. I started back up with Caleb's preschool. His theme this week is "N" is for numbers. In between everything, I did somewhere around 3,000 loads of laundry.
Tuesday - I went back to work teaching English to homeschooled students. My mom is still keeping Caleb and Alexa, and a friend is keeping Jordanna in the baby nursery of the church where I work. I was able to feed and cuddle her at lunch, which was nice.
Wednesday - Jordanna had her one month check up. She is 10 lbs 6 oz and in the 90th percentile for height and weight. Afterward, we ran to Target and got popcorn and a drink, which I had bribed the kids with for being good in the doctor's office. Then we returned our library books and picked up some more and ran through the Chickfila drive thru for lunch. I also did another 3,000 loads of laundry.
On the agenda for today - I plan to do some more laundry (are you sensing a theme here?), run to Kroger for some great deals, vacuum, and get all my lesson plans done for school next week. Wish me luck (and lots of energy and well-behaved kids).
Friday, January 8, 2010
One Month Old and First Snow
Jordanna turned one month old yesterday. I was going to wait until today to post the picture so that I could also post her weight and height from her doctor's appointment today.
But, we woke up to snow today, so I rescheduled her doctor's appointment for next week. And I stayed tucked warmly inside with Jordanna while Dave took the kids out to play.

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Jordanna's Baptism
Our church is without a pastor right now, but we have been blessed to have a professor from a seminary filling the pulpit each week. We were also blessed that he was able to baptize Jordanna today while Dave's parents were here. Unfortunately, my parents were not able to join us as my grandpa is in an inpatient hospice care center right now. We missed having them there, but we know that they needed to be with Grandma and Grandpa.
Before I share the pictures, let me explain briefly what we believe about infant baptism. We do not believe that baptism means that the child is automatically saved, rather that she is marked or set apart as a member of the covenant family of God. Although there is some element of us bringing our child to God and dedicating her to Him, even more important is the reality of God making a covenant with us and our children after us. Our hope and prayer for Jordanna (and Caleb and Alexa) is that the water of her baptism will be to her the water of blessing and that she will love the Lord and serve him all the days of her life, that she will never know a day without Christ.

Before I share the pictures, let me explain briefly what we believe about infant baptism. We do not believe that baptism means that the child is automatically saved, rather that she is marked or set apart as a member of the covenant family of God. Although there is some element of us bringing our child to God and dedicating her to Him, even more important is the reality of God making a covenant with us and our children after us. Our hope and prayer for Jordanna (and Caleb and Alexa) is that the water of her baptism will be to her the water of blessing and that she will love the Lord and serve him all the days of her life, that she will never know a day without Christ.
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