What we have not been doing -
Dave -
-working, he had 4 weeks off in a row, probably the longest stretch of time he's had off since Caleb was a baby
Emily -
-blogging (obviously)
-keeping my coupons organized, I'm still using them, but I have to dig through piles to find what I want
-keeping up with the laundry, it's the job that never ends
-buying cards (Happy Anniversary to my parents on the 2nd and Happy Birthday to Dave's dad on the 3rd)
Caleb -
-school, we're taking a break before he somewhat officially starts kindergarten on August 9, but we did do a bit of school at his request one day this week
-playing outside much, it's been TOO ridiculously hot lately
Alexa -
-napping daily, she's down to a few times a week and only under coercion, like if I lay down with her and make her be still and quiet
Jordanna -
-sleeping, although she did sleep through the night once this week, she has not been sleeping well this week in general
What we have been doing -
Dave -
-playing lots of Mario Kart with Caleb
-doing random chores and things around the house
-visiting with his parents
Emily -
-working, I had a few teachers' meetings in the last few weeks and have done some work from home
-ordering curriculum for Caleb and for my English classes
-cooking dinner for 14 people before prayer meeting Wednesday
-right now I'm watching a movie
Caleb -
-playing Mario Kart with Dave
-playing with the new block set he got for his birthday
-going to the dentist
Alexa -
-whining and screaming a lot, probably goes along with not napping
Jordanna -
-eating all sorts of table food, still likes most everything
-crawling, sitting up, and even attempting to pull up to standing
Friday, July 30, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
What We've Been up to This Week
Jordanna has decided to eat real food this week. Just like Alexa, no baby food for her. I just throw it on the tray, and she feeds herself. So far, she has eaten rice, potatoes, bread, pasta, tortillas, cheerios, crackers, watermelon, apples (cooked), bananas, blueberries, peaches, grapes (peeled), avocado, carrots, green beans, broccoli, peas, sweet potatoes, and cheese. She loves it all (well, except for the avocado)! She has also started drinking some water out of a sippy cup.
I spent Monday and Tuesday recovering from vacation, running errands, voting, and tackling Mt. Laundry. Yesterday and today, I had teacher meetings for next school year. We said goodbye to our summer Korean student today, and Dave's parents arrive this afternoon for a visit. Plans for next week include 2 doctor's appointments. July sure has been a busy month!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
More Beach Pictures
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Beach Pictures
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Cow Appreciation Day #3
This was our 3rd year to participate in Chickfila's Cow Appreciation Day. Dress like a cow. Get free food. What's not to like? Well except for the person dressed in a cow suit who scared Alexa to death. Here and here are pictures from the last two years, and below are some pictures from tonight as well.
My 3 cows

Dave and Alexa don't look too excited
Jordanna cuteness
Caleb (trying to smile with half a nugget in his mouth) and Mommy
After our totally FREE meal, we dropped Caleb off at Grammy and Gramps' house to spend the night with them so he can ride with them to the beach tomorrow. That's right, we're headed to the beach again tomorrow, this time with my extended family on my mom's side. I'm sure I'll post some pictures while we are there.
My 3 cows
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Menu Plan Monday

Tuesday - Easy baked pork chops, coleslaw, corn muffins
Wednesday - Apple pancakes, bacon, eggs, orange smoothies
Thursday - Creamy tomato sausage sauce over shells, Caesar salad
Friday - Chickfila for Cow Appreciation Day
Saturday - At the beach!
Sunday - At the beach!
Reach For The Sky
The kids watched Toy Story this morning while we set up for their Toy Story party today. Caleb has been repeating,"Reach for the sky," from the movie ALL day long. We had about 23 people here for the party, including us, and we all had a great time. The weather was perfect! Here are some pictures,
One of the games

Watching someone try the game
The onlookers
Another game

One of the games

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