Monday, November 28, 2011
Pre-Baby Checklist
4 weeks of lesson plans
2 weeks of copies for school
Christmas decorations
Wrapped all the presents I have
Packed Sierra's hospital bag
Washed and put away Sierra's clothes
Washed and put away Sierra's diapers (planning to use cloth again)
Installed Sierra's car seat (actually I just didn't uninstall it the last time I used it while babysitting)
Set up changing station in our bedroom (I use this when my babies are little and still sleeping in my room. Also I'll use it during the afternoon when Jordanna is napping in the girls' room.)
Made several meals for the freezer
To Do:
2 more weeks of copies for school
Wrap the rest of the presents that are still to be shipped
Shop for stocking stuffers
Finish addressing Christmas cards (about halfway finished)
Finish packing my hospital bag
Put bassinet part into Pack N' Play (I can't actually do this yet until I finish babysitting)
Leave instructions about the care and feeding of the big three kids
Go to two baby showers
Host Jordanna's birthday party
What am I forgetting?
Sunday, November 27, 2011
My Shopping Buddy
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Let the Season Begin
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Through The Eyes of Children
Friday, November 18, 2011
Jordanna and the Babies
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Jammie Day
Monday, November 14, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
35 Weeks
Pregnancy Week 35: All About Baby
At 35 weeks, your baby is considered full-term and she looks developed, however, The March of Dimes considers babies born up to 36 weeks as "late preterm" babies born before 38 weeks are at a higher risk for feeding difficulty and other issues. It is important for you and your baby to be monitored closely by your pediatrician and/or lactation consultant. The soft, fuzzy hairs that once covered her body begin to disappear. She continues to add fat layers, which will help her stay warm once she's out of the womb. During these last weeks, your baby is developed sleeping patterns (and they often have little to do with night and day!)
How Big Is Baby?
Your baby weighs in a little over 5 pounds and stretches to around 18 inches (crown to heel).