It's a good thing I had some money left in the March grocery budget (although I'm not going to update totals since it is the last day of the month) because Kroger is having a GREAT sale for the next two weeks. I had a few coupons that were expiring today, so I wanted to make sure to use them. I even ordered some more coupons on www.thecouponclippers.com, so that I could go back and do it again. I also went to CVS twice today and did 3 transactions.
Let's start with Kroger -
2 Tombstone frozen pizzas - $1/2 coupon
1 Welch's white grape peach juice - $1/1 coupon
1 bag goldfish crackers
8 pillsbury 5 count cinnamon rolls - $.30/1 coupons
1 Dole 4 pack fruit parfait - $.75/1 coupon
1 Welch's grape jam - $.55/1 coupon
4 Pillsbury 5 count grand biscuits - $.30/2 coupons
6 Pillsbury 4 count crescent rolls - $.25/1 coupons
5 boxes Betty Crocker muffin mix - $.50/1 coupons
2 Hot Pocket calzones - $.50/1 coupons
2 4 roll Cottonelle toilet paper - $.25/1 coupons
1 6 pack Yoplait kids yogurt - free coupon
I also used a $1.50 off a $7 dairy purchase coupon.
My total was $9.46, and my savings was $61.85, which was a savings of 87%.
Transaction 1 - $.19 OOP (out of pocket)
3 Clean and Clear face washes
Used $3/$15 Beauty coupon
3 $2/1 Clean and Clear coupons
$6 in ECB (Extra Care Bucks - can be spent like $ at CVS)
$1.10 on gift card
Got back $5 in ECB (not great, but I needed face wash)
Transaction 2 - $1.24 OOP
4 Softsoap Spa Radiance body wash
2 Nivea shave gels
2 Lady Speed Stick deodorants
Used $5/$15 purchase coupon
4 Softsoap coupons (3 $1 and 1 $.75)
2 $1/1 speed stick coupons
2 $2/1 Nivea coupons
Used $15.98 in ECB
Got back $22.96 in ECB
Transaction 3 - $.59 OOP
1 Soft Soap Spa Radiance body wash
2 Nivea lotions
1 Tic Tac Wintergreen (for Caleb)
1 Playskool sample diaper bag (I took out the coupons and will use this for a baby shower gift. It had $6 of Playskool coupons in it.)
Used $5/$15 coupon
Used $3/$15 Beauty purchase coupon
$.50 CVS candy coupon
2 $2/1 Nivea coupons
Used $8 in ECB
Got back $9.99 in ECB.
When all was said and done, I finished the day with all this stuff and about $7 more in ECB than I started with while only spending about $2. CVS is my new favorite store!