Little did I know when I checked out a copy of Dr. Seuss's ABC from the library (see previous post about this) that Caleb would insist on reading both copies before pretty much every nap and bed time. I'm not exactly sure why he needs to read both copies. Maybe he needs to make sure that the book hasn't changed in the few hours since he last read it. Or that both copies are actually the same book. Whatever the reason, I'm sure he will not be happy when we have to return one to the library in 2.5 weeks. And the answer to the question, just in case you were wondering, is barber, baby, bubbles, and a bumblebee.
Thanks. Now that dumb book is in my head.
It's in YOUR head. I just read it twice for a total of a million and two times.
Aren't kids halarious! My youngest loves that book too!
~The Bargain Shopper Lady
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