How time flies! Alexa is 11 months old today. Only one more month until her birthday! Here are some tidbits about her, especially for those of you who are far away.
1) She can crawl, cruise, climb, and walk holding onto someone's fingers. I don't think walking is far away.
2) She loves to feed herself and refuses/has always refused all baby food. Her favorite food is cheese. She also likes bread, crackers, strawberries, blueberries, carrots, peas, pasta, and anything that Caleb has that she doesn't.
3) She has her four front teeth, two on top and two on bottom. The next one ready to come in seems to be the top left one probably followed by the top right (judging from the bulging gums).
4) She takes two naps a day, usually around 9 and 2. She sleeps about 2 hours in the morning and about an hour and a half in the afternoon.
5) She goes to bed about 8:00 and gets up around 7:00. She has never slept through the night. In fact, she has never slept longer than 5 hours in one stretch. Yawn.
6) Many/most babies triple their birth weight by one year. We will be lucky if Alexa doubles hers. She was 9 lbs 11 oz at birth, and she is 18 something pounds right now. She will have to be 19 lbs and 6 oz to double her birth weight.
7) She can wave good bye and give (wet, slobbery) kisses.
8) She loves drinking out of a sippy cup, especially her brother's sippy cup.
9) She understands and responds to, "No, no," although she doesn't always obey (what child does).
10) She loves to put things in her mouth and then make loud noises.
11) She sleeps with a pacifier and her blankie (one of several homemade knitted/crocheted blankets that we have).
12) One of her favorite toys is the Fisher Price learning chair, which she likes to stand in (see picture a few posts back).
13) She is quite the little drama queen when she gets hurt or gets her feelings hurt.
14) She loves to smile a laugh, but she usually reserves her infectious belly laughter for Caleb or sometimes Daddy.
15) She lights up our life and is truly a joy.
You forgot...
She likes cameras and will try and eat them.
What a big girl! She is so fun to watch as she grows. You are a great mommy, and she is a great daughter.
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