I went into Kroger yesterday with the goal of spending less than $50. I ended up spending $39.28 and saving $42.08 or 52%. I managed to get everything on my list plus a few items that were on Manager's Special! I didn't snap any pictures as my little helpers were a bit antsy. Here's what I got with prices listed after coupons and sales.
4 bottles Mott's apple juice (raincheck) - $.99 each
4 bottles Kroger OJ with calcium (raincheck) - $.99 each
2 6 packs Yoplait kids yogurt - $1.00 each
1 4 pack Yoplait Fiber One yogurt - $.25
1 box Multigrain Cheerios - $.67
1 package cubed ham - $1.79
3 slices bologna - $.60
1 package Kroger bacon - $2.24
1 round steak for London Broil - $2.67
2 1lb packages Kroger butter - $1.68 each (These weren't on my list, but I couldn't pass up that price. I threw them in the freezer for later.)
3 loaves Kroger wheat bread - $.69 each
1 package Lean Pockets - $.79
2 4 packs Cottonelle toilet paper - $.25 overage
2 packages Kroger hotdog buns - $.59 each
2 packages Kroger hamburger buns - $.59 each
1.4 lbs ripe bananas - $.55 (My store reduces ripe bananas to $.39/lb. Since I am planning to freeze them for smoothies anyway, buying ripe ones works for me.)
.50 lb broccoli crowns - $.85
3 rolls Kroger paper towels - $.68 each
2 pairs No Nonsense panty hose - $.24 each
2 boxes Kroger mac and cheese - $.50 each
1 package Kroger diapers - $3.49
1 carton Kroger salt - $.39
1 box Kroger trash bags - $2.50
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