It was a dreary, rainy day. Here's what we did today, somewhat in order. I'll let you guess who did what.
- watched some PBS Kids, Veggie Tales, and Elmo (pass me the bad mom award)
-helped Mommy vacuum
-actually vacuumed
-washed the sheets and mattress pad that someone had a nose bleed on
-sang and danced at the library's story time
-made copies for school
-ate a free cookie at Publix while Mommy shopped
-went through the drive through at the bank
-ate hot dogs and hamburgers for lunch
-fell completely apart and got put down for a nap early
-didn't nap and got in trouble for loudly banging a doll's leg against a book instead of being quiet at nap time
-played with Playdough
-painted with neon color paints and managed not to get any on anyone's clothes
-did school with Mommy learning about the 7 days of creation, the numbers 1-7, Genesis 1:1, and the letter "a"
-clipped and sorted coupons
-made a grocery list
-stripped down to a diaper and ran around like a crazy person...twice
-actually ate everything served at dinner (London broil, baked potato, salad, and garlic bread) without complaining
-ate three bowls of popcorn as a bedtime snack
-went to the library AGAIN because several books came in after we'd already been there this morning
-went to Kroger and got some free gum and got paid to take home several Pillsbury items (biscuits, cinnamon rolls, crescent rolls, and pizza dough)
-accidentally ate a few doughnuts that accidentally hopped in the grocery cart
-prepped dinner for tomorrow night