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Monday, March 23, 2009
Fun at the Park
The weather is beautiful here today, but it is supposed to rain later in the week. So I decided to take the kids to the park this morning. They had lots of fun!
Wow, Spring-like weather! We're still waiting for warmer weather. It's nice and sunny (about time) but it's still very cold (-12 C.with the wind chill factor). I think that's about 20 -25 F. Right now it's -18F according to our new thermometer that we got for Christmas.
Wow, Spring-like weather! We're still waiting for warmer weather. It's nice and sunny (about time) but it's still very cold (-12 C.with the wind chill factor). I think that's about 20 -25 F. Right now it's -18F
according to our new thermometer that we got for Christmas.
haha! it's a balmy 12 degrees C (53 F) here
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