I have been talking to the kids some about how Mommy is going to have a baby. Caleb always tells me that he wants a boy baby, and Alexa wants a girl. He also says that Mommy wants a girl and Daddy a boy. I think you can guess how he makes these determinations. Well, a few days ago, I asked him what we should name the baby. He went through a few names, mostly from movies that he has seen, before settling on Uniqua from the Backyardigans (pictured above). Now, everytime I ask him about the baby name, he says Uniqua. I'm not sure that he knows that Uniqua is the name of a girl, so today I asked him what we should name the baby if it is a boy. He told me that he wanted to name the baby Uniqua (I guess this is his boy name choice), and Alexa wanted to name the baby Tasha (another one of the Backyardigans). So, should we go with his name choices or pick our own? What do you think?
Hhmmm.....Uniqua Vreken...now, that's a name!
it's one of a kind
It's better than Nemo or Poker-roo....
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