So, I didn't mean to skip blogging all weekend; it just happened. Here's what we have been up to. First, though, a picture of one of my cuties. She was cracking me up pretending to read this book (on liquor sales in Canada that my mom brought Dave from a used bookstore in Tampa) while eating her play food using the couch cushions (which were on the floor where they usually are) as a table. What a great meal - a doughnut, green peas, and a bun less hamburger.

Anyway, Friday morning Dave and I took the kids to the park and the library. Gotta love free entertainment! Friday afternoon, I took advantage of Dave being home to go shopping during nap time. I got everyone flag t-shirts from Old Navy, and I also bought a few maternity clothes for myself. It was SO hot in the afternoon (welcome to summer in the south) that I even put my bathing suit on and got in the baby pool after the kids got up from their naps. Then we ate pizza for dinner while watching
The Little Mermaid since we did ocean activities last week (we started Safari stuff today). Caleb actually watched most of the movie, which surprised me. Once the kids were in bed, it was time for the 7th game of the Stanley Cup finals (hockey for you southerners). Dave had had his friends and family fill out brackets about who they thought would win, and I won the brackets for the second year in a row.
Saturday morning, Alexa and I went to a baby shower. Dave and Caleb went to the park, to see the new Pixar movie
Up, and to Chickfila for lunch. And they didn't even bring me anything from Chickfila. Saturday night we enjoyed a yummy dinner at my parents' house.
Sunday was the usual church stuff. Our church's pastor of ten years recently took a job at a seminary. So we had a pastoral candidate there who taught Sunday school and preached at both services (and will be doing so next week as well). We also had corporate lunch after the morning service since he was there. In between services, we hung out with Molly and Nick, which we have missed doing for the last two weeks since one or the other of us was out of town.
Today Dave started teaching summer school. He has four students in three different classes. Fun for him. The kids and did our normal Monday rounds of the library and Publix, but no CVS since there were no great deals this week.
Whew! So there you go. And maybe I will actually blog a bit more this week, but don't hold your breath.
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