Week 28
How Big is the Baby at 28 Weeks Pregnant?
By 28 weeks pregnant your baby is 14.8 inches or more! She weighs in at about 2.2 pounds during pregnancy at 28 weeks!
Your Baby's Growth and Development
Up until now if you were to look at your baby's brain during your pregnancy week by week it would appear smooth. By about 28 weeks pregnant however this changes, as the brain starts to mature and form grooves that we commonly associate with a human brain. Your baby may also be growing longer hair on her head by pregnancy at 28 weeks, though many babies will come out bald at birth. Others will be born with lovely locks of hair that will fall out and even change color some time after delivery.
Your baby should also be sprouting eyelashes by pregnancy 28 weeks, which will blink repeatedly if you were to shine a bright light on your belly.
Your Growth and Development
By pregnancy 28 weeks your uterus measures at least 3 inches above your bellybutton, or is approximately 28 cm tall. You should be steadily gaining weight from pregnancy week 28 and beyond.
Changes in You
After tracking your pregnancy week by week for so long, you are probably anxious to begin the third trimester, which is just a week away. Women who have tested Rh-negative will receive an injection of a substance called RhoGAM during week 28 of their pregnancy. This substance will protect you from becoming sensitized should your baby's blood mix with yours during pregnancy. This one injection will actually provide protection through the end of your pregnancy up until delivery.
Though your baby only has 2 to 3 percent body fat by twenty eight weeks pregnant and weighs only slightly more than 2 pounds, by now you may have gained as much as 24 pounds. Remember that all this weight helps cushion and nourish your newborn baby until the time of delivery.
It might help to massage your legs often from 28 pregnancy weeks on out during your pregnancy. Many women experience leg cramps, itching and swelling at this point in their pregnancy. After this week your health care provider will likely change your appointment schedule from once per month to once every two weeks. This will typically continue through week 36, when you will start having weekly appointments until the time of delivery.
you're cute!
Just keep talking like that and your marriage will last as long as ours:)
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