We finished going through all the letters from A-Z. We picked a theme for each week, such as "A" is for apple. We worked on the sound of each letter (which Caleb really already mostly knew before the year began), writing each letter (a struggle for him still as his small motor skills aren't great), and identifying words that start with each letter. We have also worked on sounding out short words. Once we finished the letters, I began working on consonant digraphs. Last week, we did "ch", this week "sh", and next week "th". Here are the sheep we made this morning.
In math, I started introducing addition and subtraction recently, and Caleb (who is most definitely his father's child) has really taken off. He LOVES math. He can count to 100, easily add and subtract numbers from 1-10, and do larger addition and subtraction problems if he has blocks or something to count with. I had already ordered his kindergarten math curriculum, so I'm planning to complete that this summer and begin 1st grade math in the fall.
And of course our days are filled with fun activities as well. The kids go to story time at our library and at Grammy's library most week. We've been to the park to feed the ducks, walked the neighborhood many times, and spent lots of time playing outside in the yard. Today we made chocolate dipped bananas for a fun treat.
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