We had a short school week for two reasons.
1) Alexa was sick on Saturday and Sunday. She really wanted to do school on Monday, so I gave her something to work on at the dining room table. She proceeded to throw up on 2 dining room chairs and the floor. While I was trying to clean her up, Caleb decided to do his work by himself. He managed to get it done, but I'm not sure he really learned much.
2) Dave had yesterday and today off of school for Fall break, so we took those days off as well. We are currently in the mountains enjoying the break; more on that later.
Anyway, here's some of what we did in school this week.
Ready to read. We read three more Beatrix Potter books this week along with more Mo Willems and Amelia Bedelia books. We also enjoyed
Do Unto Otters and
The Seven Silly Eaters. Our character trait this week was hospitality. We memorized I Peter 4:9, "Show hospitality to one another without grumbling," and the first verse of "Happy the Home Where God Is There."
Hairy Larry. We actually planted these last week in science, and they finally sprouted. The kids drew faces and taped ears on the cups, and the grass is supposed to be the hair.
Writing on the white board. Caleb is doing really well at spelling three letter words and loves to practice writing them on the white board. We are almost finished reviewing the consonant sounds and will begin reading some phonics readers soon. In math he worked on learning which number add together to make 10, and he also reviewed skip counting by 2.
Working on handwriting. I mostly bought Alexa a handwriting book because I knew she would want to do everything that Caleb does. She takes it very seriously, though. She does one page a day and then moves the Post It note to the next page. Caleb worked on the Frog Jump Capitals this week, which are capitals that start with a big line down and the jump back to top to finish forming the letter, such as F, E, D, B, R, K, P, M, and N.
Making nature collages. On Friday, we made these collages from things found in our yard. I was going to do the human body next in science, but I remember that we are going to the aquarium again in 2 weeks. So, I think we will do one more week of plants next week and then do a short unit on fish.

What a great week! I love the fall collages. Hope everyone is feeling better now and no one else gets it (the real trick).
I love the Hairy Larrys! We've tried something similar but it never grew!
Fun week. I particularly like his thinking cap!LOL
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