We had a good week of school this week. Here's what we've been up to.
Both -
We are over halfway through reading Mr. Popper's Penguins. We also read some penguin books and listened to some music by Schubert (who is mentioned in Mr. Popper's Penguins). We read lots of other books as usual including some of the dinosaur books by Jane Yolen.
In Bible, we discussed patience and read the story of Simeon and Anna who waited patiently for the coming of Christ. We memorized I Corinthians 13:4, "Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant," and continued to memorize the Apostles' Creed. Our hymn of the week was "Come Thou Almighty King."
Caleb -
In Phonics, he finished the section focusing on short vowels and worked on consonant blends and double consonants. He also finished reading the first box of Bob Books and the first book of his Phonics readers. In addition to the work we do at home, he started twice a week speech therapy at the local elementary school (at 8:00; I hate mornings).
He finished capital letters in his handwriting book and began lowercase letters.
He began his first grade math book this week and worked on addition plus 0 and plus 1 and on writing the numbers 1-20. This was review for him, so we covered 2 lessons in 1 week. He took his first ever math test this morning and made a 100%. He is his father's child after all.
Alexa -
I got her this cutting workbook to keep her busy while I work with Caleb, and she LOVES it. She also did the letter "L" this week and continued to work in her handwriting book.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
For Your Viewing Pleasure
Jordanna playing with Caleb's Super Mario hat. She steals his green hat all the time, too.
Alexa has her table set and is ready to eat. Caleb is in the play room preparing her some food.
Muffin tin lunches.
Matchy, matchy.
Trying on their costumes from last year, which they will be wearing again this year.

Monday, October 25, 2010
Menu Plan Monday

Monday - (Dave gone) 3 cheese chicken pasta, garlic bread, grapes
Tuesday - Pot roast, baked potatoes, salad
Wednesday - Hamburgers, hotdogs, oven fries, apples
Thursday - Grilled chicken, pasta romanoff, broccoli
Friday - (Dave gone, girls night in) Shrimp and grits with fried okra, homemade cheese bread, sparkling lemonade, pumpkin chocolate trifle
Saturday - (Dave gone YET again) Dinner at Grammy and Gramps' church
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Cuteness X2
I loved these outfits so much that so much that I decided to buy Jordanna one in the next size up since Alexa's dress still fits. And I got the matching hair bows as well. Too cute!
Friday, October 22, 2010
So Glad It's Friday
I'm so tired (and will be going to bed as soon as I write this) and so glad it's Friday. These three little people keep me busy. Especially the one in the middle. She is into everything these days.
Every three year old girl should start the day off with coffee and a magazine, right?
After a week of hard work in school, we enjoyed a trip to the park and then lunch with Daddy today.
Caleb will begin speech therapy next week on Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:00 to 8:30 a.m. I'm dreading it; we don't do mornings around here. Well, Dave does, but someone pays him to get up early and go to work. The rest of us like our lazy mornings. I'm glad, though, that Caleb will be getting the help that he needs and that my tax dollars will be paying for it.
And this cutie enjoyed snacking on Cheerios, saying "Yum, yum," and watching her brother and sister play. She is too cute and is growing up too fast.

Thursday, October 21, 2010
For Your Viewing Pleasure
Monday, October 18, 2010
Menu Plan Monday

Sunday - Chicken and spinach stuffed shells, salad, rolls
Monday - Sausage, potato, and corn foil packet on the grill, green beans, Italian bread
Tuesday - Eggs, bacon, fruit, cinnamon rolls
Wednesday - Chicken parmesan, noodles, broccoli
Thursday - Pork roast, potatoes, cinnamon apples
Friday - Pizza, salad
Saturday - Hotdogs, macaroni and cheese, carrots
Friday, October 15, 2010
Teaching Time October 11th-15th
We plugged away at school again this week. Caleb is continuing to progress in his reading skills. One thing he loves to do is play this Leap Frog roller coaster game, which helps him work on 3 and 4 letter words. And Alexa picks up the names of some of the letters from playing with him as well.
Caleb worked on telling time in math this week. In science, we learned about the 5 senses. I ordered Alexa a new cutting skills workbook, which she loves. In Bible, we discussed sharing and giving cheerfully.
We finished off our week with a picnic at the park with our home school group.

We finished off our week with a picnic at the park with our home school group.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
For Your Viewing Pleasure
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Menu Plan Monday (A Day Late)

Tuesday - Beef roast, roasted red potatoes, broccoli
Wednesday - Feta pork chops, corn, cinnamon apples
Thursday - Marinated grilled chicken, pan fried red potatoes, salad
Friday - Calzones
Saturday - Chinese
Sunday - Something edible
Friday, October 8, 2010
Teaching Time
Okay, I'm finally continuing my reasons I don't/do home school. Here's the original post if you missed it.
I DON'T home school because...
4)...I think home schooling is the right form of education for every child and every family. Obviously I don't think that since I have taught many children at various schools over the years. We are tentatively planning to put Caleb in my school for one day a week next year, and I envision that eventually all our children will be in school and I will go back to teaching.
5)...I love teaching every subject matter. History and English are my favorites with math coming in close behind. I am going to have to step out of my comfort zone to make sure my children are well educated in science, art, and music. I figure that's what a good curriculum is for, filling in the gaps in my knowledge and experience.
I DO home school because...
3)...I can teach at the pace best for each child. Caleb will soon be starting first grade math. But, his handwriting skills are lagging, so we often do work book pages orally or on the white board. I love being able to personalize his instruction.
4)...I love the time that it affords my children to spend together. Caleb is not away at school for 7 hours a day; he is home interacting with his sisters. They are the best of friends. While I know that may not always be the case, I hope that the time spent together home schooling deepens their friendships with one another. I teach several sets of siblings at my school (which is for home schooled students; hi guys, if you are reading my blog), and I love seeing that they are friends not just siblings. I am sure that the time they have spent together over the years has helped. I hope my kids will always be close.
Here they are playing drive through or something like that together yesterday while I made lunch.
I DON'T home school because...
4)...I think home schooling is the right form of education for every child and every family. Obviously I don't think that since I have taught many children at various schools over the years. We are tentatively planning to put Caleb in my school for one day a week next year, and I envision that eventually all our children will be in school and I will go back to teaching.
5)...I love teaching every subject matter. History and English are my favorites with math coming in close behind. I am going to have to step out of my comfort zone to make sure my children are well educated in science, art, and music. I figure that's what a good curriculum is for, filling in the gaps in my knowledge and experience.
I DO home school because...
3)...I can teach at the pace best for each child. Caleb will soon be starting first grade math. But, his handwriting skills are lagging, so we often do work book pages orally or on the white board. I love being able to personalize his instruction.
4)...I love the time that it affords my children to spend together. Caleb is not away at school for 7 hours a day; he is home interacting with his sisters. They are the best of friends. While I know that may not always be the case, I hope that the time spent together home schooling deepens their friendships with one another. I teach several sets of siblings at my school (which is for home schooled students; hi guys, if you are reading my blog), and I love seeing that they are friends not just siblings. I am sure that the time they have spent together over the years has helped. I hope my kids will always be close.
Here they are playing drive through or something like that together yesterday while I made lunch.
State Fair
Thursday, October 7, 2010
10 Months
My little monkey is 10 months old today. She is right about 17 lbs, which puts her at about the 25th percentile for weight and the 90th for height. She's still wearing a 6-9 months in clothes. Some 12 months are starting to fit, which is good because that's the size I bought her for fall/winter.
She is constantly on the move. She crawls very quickly, cruises around while holding on, climbs the stairs, climbs on furniture, and opens cabinet doors. She stood by herself for about 10 seconds yesterday.
She LOVES to eat. Here she is with a snack of Cheerios. They were in the bowl behind her, but she prefers to eat them off the floor. She drinks out of a straw or a sippy cup, but she absolutely refuses to take a bottle while I work. She does like to suck on the Alexa's baby doll's bottle, though. She eats 3 solid meals a day with occasional snack and is still nursing like a champ as well. She has 4 teeth.
In addition to constantly being on the move, she is also constantly making noise. She loves banging toys to make noise. She "sings" along to the hymns at church and family devotions and "prays" along with us before meals. She says "Da, da" and has a cute goat sounding laugh.
I love my baby Jordanna (and that Caleb actually thinks that the word baby is part of her name)!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Menu Plan Monday

Tuesday - Pancakes, bacon, fruit
Wednesday - Chicken and wild rice soup, crackers and cheese, apple/pecan salad, caramel apple cupcakes
Thursday - Pork roast, potatoes, broccoli
Friday - Chicken, bacon, ranch subs, chips, carrots and dip
Saturday - Date night!
Sunday - ?
Friday, October 1, 2010
My Little Monkey
Teaching Time September 27th - October 1
Both -
Bible -
We reviewed all our memory verses from this year (see pictures below). Our character trait this week was gratitude. Caleb and Alexa memorized I Thessalonians 5:18, "Give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you," and the first verse of the hymn "Now Thank We All Our God." They already know the third verse of that hymn, since we sing it during the offering at church each week.

Literature -
We (FINALLY) finished the Beatrix Potter books this week. We also read LOTS of other books as usual including If You Give a Mouse a Cookie and several other books by Laura Numeroff, Millions of Cats by Wanda Gag, and more Elephant and Piggie books by Mo Willems.
Handwriting -
They both continued working in their Handwriting Without Tears books. We also use the letter shapes, magnadoodle, white board, and chalk boards to work on handwriting. Caleb really wants to learn lower case letters, so he has decided to one page a day in handwriting instead of 1/2 a page so that he can finish upper case letters sooner.
Science -
We concluded our plant unit today by reading a book about fall leaves and making leaf rubbings.

Caleb -
Phonics -
He finished up reviewing the sound of each letters and is now working intently on short vowel words. He is not reading yet, per say, but he is getting better at sounding out words every day. I am very pleased with the progress he has made.
Math -
He worked on skip counting to find area this week. It was quite easy for him since he already skip counts well. Only 4 more lessons (which take about a week each) until he is finished with the kindergarten math book, so I need to think about ordering him the 1st grade book soon. Today he did math with Mommy while Jordanna ate lunch and Alexa napped.

Caleb also had his first speech therapy appointment today. The therapist said he did well. She will type up a report, and we will set up a time to meet and go over it. So, right now, we don't know if she will recommend continuing therapy or not.
Alexa -
She worked on the letter H and numbers 20-23 this week. We also did some work on colors and on matching items.
Bible -
We reviewed all our memory verses from this year (see pictures below). Our character trait this week was gratitude. Caleb and Alexa memorized I Thessalonians 5:18, "Give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you," and the first verse of the hymn "Now Thank We All Our God." They already know the third verse of that hymn, since we sing it during the offering at church each week.
We (FINALLY) finished the Beatrix Potter books this week. We also read LOTS of other books as usual including If You Give a Mouse a Cookie and several other books by Laura Numeroff, Millions of Cats by Wanda Gag, and more Elephant and Piggie books by Mo Willems.
Handwriting -
They both continued working in their Handwriting Without Tears books. We also use the letter shapes, magnadoodle, white board, and chalk boards to work on handwriting. Caleb really wants to learn lower case letters, so he has decided to one page a day in handwriting instead of 1/2 a page so that he can finish upper case letters sooner.
Science -
We concluded our plant unit today by reading a book about fall leaves and making leaf rubbings.
Phonics -
He finished up reviewing the sound of each letters and is now working intently on short vowel words. He is not reading yet, per say, but he is getting better at sounding out words every day. I am very pleased with the progress he has made.
Math -
He worked on skip counting to find area this week. It was quite easy for him since he already skip counts well. Only 4 more lessons (which take about a week each) until he is finished with the kindergarten math book, so I need to think about ordering him the 1st grade book soon. Today he did math with Mommy while Jordanna ate lunch and Alexa napped.
Alexa -
She worked on the letter H and numbers 20-23 this week. We also did some work on colors and on matching items.
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