I DON'T home school because...
1)...I want to be with my kids 24/7. Yes, I love them. Yes, I want to spend time with them. But I do like to get out without them sometimes, just ask Dave.
2)...I think I am the best kindergarten teacher out there. I am sure there are many seasoned teachers who would do a way better job of teaching Phonics than me. And Caleb's handwriting is currently atrocious. But I am his (and Alexa and Jordanna's) mom, and God has entrusted the job of teaching, training, and disciplining him to me (and Dave). And for now, we feel that home schooling is in his best interest.
3)...I like staying home all day long. While I do realize that we will have to stay home more as the kids get older and have greater school work loads, I hate being stuck at home. We go to the library, run errands, play at the park, have play dates, and take nature walks. We also have some field trips scheduled.
I DO home school because...
1)...I love hearing my three year old pretend to read a book, saying over and over again, "I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth," something she has been learning in school. Not too many preschools teach the Apostles Creed to three year olds.
2)...I know that while the days are often very long, the years are short. I want to treasure this time where my children are excited about learning and discovering new things, where they think having Mommy as their teacher is the best thing in the world.
I hope to continue these lists over the next few weeks.
And now, on a more practical note, here are some books we have enjoyed this week. And here's Dave reading to all three kids.
2) Mommy Doesn't Know My Name also by Suzanne Williams - Both Caleb and Alexa loved this book and laughed hysterically.
3) What Moms Can't Do by Douglas Wood - This is a really cute book, along with his other books, What Dads Can't Do and What Grandmas Can't Do.
I don't know if I learned anything in preschool, let alone the Apostles Creed...too cute that that's what she "reads" in her books.
Sounds like a good list to us!
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