Here is what Jordanna is up to these days -
-still takes 2 naps most days (we tried to drop one last week before our trip, but she was a grouch so we gave it back)
-goes to bed with the big kids b/n 7:30 and 8:00 and sleeps to around 7:00
-loves to dance to music and do the motions
-"reads" books out loud to herself very loudly
-still is a good eater although she does reject food occasionally
-prays before bed time by tucking her chin to her chest and getting a serious look on her face
-walks, runs, jumps, and even climbs the ladder on the play set in the backyard
-loves to go bye-bye
-keeps us laughing with her antics and keeps us busy chasing her
-is very communicative and insistent and says several words
And on that note, here are some of the words she knows -
1) Mama (Mommy, which she also uses for my mom and others sometimes)
2) Dada (Daddy and Gramps)
3) Pooh bear (her lovey)
4) Baby
5) Hi
6) Bye, bye
7) Ball
8) Book
9) Amen
10) More
11) Nick
12) Woof woof
13) Finished
14) Molly
15) Bubbles
16) That
17) Juice
18) Yes
19) Uh oh
20) Eye
21) Cheese
22) All gone
23) Thanks
24) Night, night
25) Roar
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