Caleb was a very late talker. He didn't say his first word until 17 months. At almost 3, while he could name all his letters (as you can see here on my mom's former blog), he was still barely talking. His small motor skills also lagged behind a bit. When we started kindergarten at home last year, he could barely write any letters except for maybe his name. (I feel the need to insert here that he is amazing at math like his Daddy and completed 1st grade math last year during kindergarten.)
Anyway, Caleb got his first progress report from school this week (he goes to English and history classes one day a week and is home the rest of the time). Here is what his teacher (who incidentally has 43 years of teaching experience) had to say - I just wanted to let you know that Caleb is doing well in all of his subjects. He is a good worker, and tries hard to do everything I ask him to do. He participates in classroom discussions and is enthusiastic about what we are doing. I enjoy having him in class, and I know he will continue to well.
And here is a picture of that same Caleb sitting outside today reading Ramona Quimby: Age 8. From what I can find, this book is usually placed at about a 3rd grade reading level. While he has had to ask for help with some words, he is comprehending and more importantly enjoying what he is reading. He's read the first three chapters already today.
Audrey and I read your blog... so make that 5! ;)
Yay! Go Caleb! We are all proud of you!
And he finished Ramona, less than 24 hours after he started it.
he's a book worm!
Good work, Caleb!!
Librarians love students like you!
Awesome! Besides math...he is going to be an english major!
Mom and I do too, so that's at least 7 :)
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