Here is how I teach most days - with a baby strapped to my chest. And a needy two year old wanting to be held.
He got his first report card over break, and he had all Es for excellent except for one S for satisfactory in handwriting. He is my child; my report card generally looked the same way. In literature, we are reading about King Midas, and in history he is studying the Medes and the Persians. He is memorizing a poem for a poetry recital in a few weeks. He still loves to read small chapter books such as Magic Tree House, Geronimo Stilton (thanks to Oma for the recommendation), Encylopedia Brown, and others. The last book he read was Henry and the Paper Route by Beverly Cleary. He started the second book of his second grade math curriculum. We are working on geometry right now (angles, parallel lines, shapes and such), and it is a bit more challenging for him than the rest of the book has been. In science, we are almost finished with plants and will be starting a book on animals next.
She is almost finished with her set of 3 phonics workbooks, which were on the sounds of the letters. She knows all her consonant sounds but still gets caught up on some of the vowel sounds. I am now starting to focus on teaching her to read. She taught herself to write, but she writes in all capital letters and not very neatly. So I have started a handwriting program with her. She has finished 3 or 4 math workbooks this year (I lost count). She knows numbers up to about 20 and can do some simple addition.
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