-Weighs right around 11 lbs according to my Wii. She doesn't go to the doctor again until 4 months.
-Is outgrowing her 0-3 months clothes mostly by length, so we are switching to 3-6 months clothes.
-Is on the last pack of size 1 diapers then will be moving to size 2.
-Still spits a lot, but it doesn't seem to bother her much.
-Still loves her paci, but she also gnaws on her hands whenever they get near her mouth, so she still might be a thumb sucker.
-Likes her swing still and also likes to lie on her back on her play mat.
-Naps 3-4 times per day and eats every 2.5-3 hours.
-Still waking 2 times most nights although occasionally (like last night) she wakes only once.
-Smiles, coos, and "talks" especially to her daddy.
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