

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Yes, We are Still Alive (Again)

I have good intentions of blogging, but life gets so busy and before I know it, a week has gone by.  Anyway, here's what we've been up to this week.

Tuesday was mine and Caleb's last day of school.  I don't know if I've ever been more ready for a school year to be over.  I won't lie; teaching, homeschooling, and caring for a new baby made second semester hard.  Caleb had a fun end-of-the-year party that I was able to go to (instead of the party for my class), and at which I did not take any pictures.  That night, we went out for dinner and frozen yogurt (Caleb got a gift card from his teacher) to celebrate.

On Wednesday, we just hung out, including having ice cream cones on the porch.

On Thursday, we met Molly and Audrey at the park for playtime and a picnic lunch.

On Friday, we went to some friends' house for lunch, but I didn't take any pictures, so here's a random one. 
After naps, we went to Molly and Nick's house.  Molly fed us dinner, and then she and Nick babysat while I went to graduation for my school.  Dave was gone on a camping trip.  After graduation, Molly and I watched a chick flick.

On Saturday, we headed home by way of Target where we got Jordanna some flip flops so that she would stop stealing Alexa's and the farmers' market where we got some fruits and vegetables for general consumption and some for making baby food for Sierra.  We also got a yummy loaf of pretzel bread.

On Sunday, we went to church and Molly and Nick's house as usual.  I noticed a few red spots on Caleb's face.

On Monday, we stayed home and nursed colds.  Sierra and I did run to the library and the grocery store after dinner.

On Tuesday, the red spots had spread to much of Caleb's body, and I was pretty sure he had poison ivy or sumac or something again.  A trip to the doctor confirmed my suspicion, and then we went to Publix and picked up a prescription and some Sprite and popsicles for sore throats.

On Wednesday, Molly babysat while my mom and I took Sierra to the neurosurgeon.  He took one look at her large head and said that he wanted a cat scan that day.  So, we headed across the parking lot to the hospital to get a cat scan and then back to his office.  Fortunately, the cat scan did not confirm his suspicions that Sierra had extra fluid on her brain.  He said that the cat scan looked good although she does have a cyst behind one ear.  As a precaution, she will be having an MRI next week to rule out further causes for her large head.

Today, we ran some errands, and I did 8 loads of laundry.  We also broke out the swimming pool.
And tomorrow is Dave's last day of school.  Yay!

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