Here are some of the highlights of the last ten years.
2002 - We got married (obviously). Dave began his second full year of teaching, and I began my first at the same school as him. We rented a teeny tiny one bedroom house.
2003 - We bought our house. Dave's parents came down to visit and see it. We joined our current church in the fall.
2004 - We drove to West Virgina where we met Dave's parents for a camping trip. Dave and I both started teaching at new schools. We found out that we were expecting our first child.
2005- Dave became a US Permanent Resident, and we went to Canada for the first time since before we were married. We went camping with Molly and Nick, the first of many trips together (and many more to come hopefully). Caleb was born!

2006 - We went to Gatlinburg with Molly and Nick and took Caleb on his first trip to the beach and his first trip to Canada. I started teaching part time rather than full time. We found out we were expecting our second child.
2007 - Alexa was born! I took a whole year off of work afterwards, which was probably good since she didn't sleep much her first year of life.
2008 - I started this blog. Alexa took her first trip to Canada. I went back to working one day a week for the school where I still teach.

2009 - We went away to the mountains for a child free weekend, which was good because several weeks later we found out that we were expecting out third child. We drove to Florida to visit my brother and took the kids to Disney and the beach. Jordanna was born!
2010 - We went to the beach with Molly and Nick and then again with my extended family.
2011 - We were snowed in for about a week, which is unheard of here in the south. We found out that we were expecting our 4th (and last) child. During the summer, we went to the beach with just the 5 of us, and we drove to Canada for the first time since before we were married (we used to fly). Caleb started first grade at my school. Sierra was born!
2012 - We've been busy loving on our four children, homeschooling, working, and serving in our church.
So, there's the first decade of our marriage in summary. I hope and pray that the Lord grants us many more years and even many more decades together.
Nice trip down "Memory Lane".
Enjoy your next decade of marriage
as you see your children grow up!
(Caleb will be driving!)
Congrats guys!!! All the best with many more years to come :)
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