In honor of my 100th post, here are 100 things that I love. (in no apparent order)
1. my family
2. my friends
3. God
4. the Bible
5. chocolate
6. sleep
7. reading
8. surfing the internet
9. shopping
10. blogging
11. snuggling in bed with the kids and hubby
12. lazy days at home with my family
13. a good meal
14. Coke
15. bargains
16. my church family
17. a long hot bath
18. pizza
19. the beach
20. the mountains
21. air conditioning
22. electricity
23. running water
24. unexpected money
25. my children's firsts
26. Alexa's tongue hanging out
27. Caleb finally learning to talk
28. flowers
29. mail
30. magazines
31. books
32. Covenant College
33. going out to lunch with a friend
34. swimming
35. going for a walk with the kids in the stroller
36. playing at the park
37. the library
38. presents
39. watching my children's eyes light up with the excitement
40. baking
41. cooking (most of the time)
42. Caleb hugging and kissing Alexa
43. Alexa cackling when she sees her brother in the morning
44. sunset
45. water
46. saving money
47. a date with my husband
48. leaving the kids at home while running errands
49. a big breakfast
50. the smell of freshly bathed children
51. dessert
52. playing games
53. when people leave comments on my blog (HINT, HINT)
54. e-mail
55. poker
56. staying home with my children
57. teaching
58. grammar
59. Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?
60. watching a good movie
61. roasting marshmallows on a fire
62. camping
63. talking on the phone
64. a full pantry and freezer
65. macaroni and cheese
66. fresh berries
67. fondue
68. that my children have all their grandparents and even some great-parents
69. that my brother is doing well in school
70. that Dave is getting his masters degree
71. that I am not in school anymore
72. teaching my 2's and 3's Sunday school class
73. daisies
74. waterfalls
75. rainbows
76. good preaching
77. singing old, familiar hymns
78. music
79. portable DVD player
80. my MP3 player that I got for free after rebate
81. stickers
82. clean sheets
83. fresh towels
84. a clean house
85. naps
86. having friends over for dinner
87. ice cream
88. popsicles
89. going out to eat
90. Chickfila
91. donuts
92. the dishwasher fairy
93. holidays with my family
94. catching up with old friends
95. car seats
96. printer that actually work correctly
97. Winnie the Pooh
98. peanut butter
99. babies
100. everyone who reads my blog