I have a baby shower to go to this weekend, and CVS had diapers buy one get one free this week. Perfect! Here's what we got.
Transaction #1 -
2 packs CVS diapers (Buy one get one free)
1 bottle
1 nail clippers (this and the bottle were buy one get one 50% off)
2 36ct Benefiber chewables
Coupons -
$1 off a Playskool product
$2 off $10 CVS brand purchase
2 $2 off Benefiber
$18 ECB
Total $1.29
ECB received -$10
Transaction #2 - (We had to go to another store to get this. The first one was out. We got the last one at the 2nd store.)
1 Blood Glucose Monitor
Coupon -
Up to $30 off monitor
Total - $0
ECB received - $14.99
Transaction #3
2 packs CVS diapers
1 blue playground ball (Not pictured because a 2 year old boy was playing with it. I had a $10 ECB to use and needed one more item to get up to $10. Caleb was being very good and had pointed to the balls earlier, so I decided to get him one.
$10 ECB
Total - $.73
So, I spent $28 in ECB and $2.02 in cash, got all this stuff, and got back $24.99 in ECB for next time.
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