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Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Do You Think We Have Enough Games?
We've been home all day today, and Caleb was getting a bit bored and therefore driving me crazy. So we went upstairs to the game closet to see what we could find to play with. Well, I touched one thing and several games and puzzles came crashing down around me. So I got some things for Caleb and Alexa to play with and proceeded to clean out the closet. I should have taken a before picture, but suffice it to say that you could barely step into the closet before and games were piled so precariously that they were literally falling on my head. It took me about an hour, but it looks much better now. The kids were happily occupied most of the time playing with poker chips and an old deck of playing cards. I hope there is not a life of gambling in their future. Oh, and by the way, do you think we have enough games and puzzles?
I think I'm giving you a game for Christmas. You need a couple more to round out your collection a bit.
Why is Settlers of Catan on the bottom of the pile?
I think you need to have a game playing event!
at least you have plenty of options when you find yourself with nothing to do on a rainy day and your kids are bored. :)
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