I spent $12.99 on everything pictured above.
2 Luigi Italian Ice - B1G1F, .75/2 coupon (I just had a lemon one, and it was yummy)
1 Kraft Lite Mayo - B1G1F (This would have been an even better deal if they had the olive oil kind because I had a $1 off coupon. I asked someone to go to the back to check for it, and they were completely out. I got it anyway, though, because I needed 3 Kraft or Oscar Mayer products to use my Planters coupon)
1 Planters peanuts - $3 off WYB 3 Oscar Mayer or Kraft products
1 Publix Ranch dressing - penny item this week
2 Oscar Mayer Beef hotdogs - B1G1F, 2 $.50/1 coupons doubled to $1
2 Stacy's pita chips - B1G1F, 2 $1 printable coupons here
1 Ziploc gallon size freezer bag - on sale for $2, $.55 coupon
2 Sundown kids Spiderman gummy vitamins - $6/2 Publix coupon, 2 $3 manufacturer's coupons
1 Revlon nail clippers and 1 tweezers - 2 $2 Publix coupons, 1 $1 manufacturer's coupon
1 Publix strawberry banana yogurt (for making smoothies)
1.15 lbs bananas
2 boxes Quaker granola bars - B1G1F, $1/2 coupon
1 pack Hi-C juice boxes (no sale or coupon, but we are almost out and Dave takes these to school with his morning snack)
1 Daisy sour cream - $.50 coupon that doubled to $1
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