- Weighs 33 lbs and is 39 inches tall.
- Likes: Elmo and all things Sesame Street, trains, cars, Bob the Builder, pizza, hotdogs, yogurt, strawberries and blueberries, church, music, playing outside, riding his tricycle, chocolate, going bye bye
- Dislikes: vegetables, being told no, Alexa getting into his stuff
- Goes to bed around 8:30 and sleeps until around 8:00. Naps from 2-4 most days, but skips it once a week or so.
- Is tall and skinny with a long torso. He wears a 4T shirt, and 2T in the waist of pants, and a 3T in the length. It is slightly hard to buy him clothes.
- His vocabulary has exploded in the last few months, but he is still behind the average three year old in speech
- Has shown some signs of being ready to begin potty training (tells me when he's dirty, holds pee for awhile, can pull his pants up and down), but is totally resistant to the idea of sitting on the potty
- We took his pacifier away today. It has been relegated to his bed for several months now. He didn't nap, but he fell asleep tonight with no problem. Here's hoping he doesn't wake up in the middle of the night crying for it.
I can't believe he's three already either. Did he have Bob the Builder sprinkles on his cupcakes?
Yep! And animals, too.
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