This is the second day in a row that Alexa has refused her morning nap, and I am not amused. Yesterday morning, I stayed home from church since I had been sick, and Alexa stayed home with me. I figured she would nap most of the time anyway. Nope, she didn't nap at all despite being in her crib for over an hour. Anyway, when I got her up she proceeded to put on her adorably cute act so I wouldn't be mad at her for not napping.
Messing with Mommy's computer

Eating her snack in the crate. She spilled her Cheerios twice trying to get in there.

Caption for pic #2: "Excuse me, Mommy, but I am updating my Facebook profile and would like not to be disturbed. Thank you."
I wonder where she learned how to be soooo cute and adorable?
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree....Dave was the same way.
Oh, and there's that high-tech toy again.
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