I ran my errands last night after the kids were in bed so that I could stay home and clean house (or blog) today. I had a great shopping trip and paid $52.69 for $239.56 worth of merchandise, a savings of 79%.
First stop, CVS. One of Caleb's toys needed batteries last night, and we were out of AAA.
I got -
2 4 packs Duracell batteries - 2 $1/1 coupons
2 8 packs Duracell batteries - 2 $.75/1 coupons
3 4 packs Bic Comfort Advance razors - 3 $2/1 coupons
I paid $17.97 in ECB, $9.22 in cash, and got back $17 in ECB to spend next time.
Next stop, Kroger. They were having a sale from 4:00-midnight last night, and there were a few things I wanted to get. I also got several free items.
I got -
2 6 packs Yoplait kids yogurt - $1.01 each after $75/2 Shortcuts coupon and 2 $.50/1 coupons
2 Tombstone pizzas - $1.99 each
1 pack strawberries - $2.50
1 6 pack Yo Baby yogurt - $2.69 after $.50/1 coupon
2 boxes Eggo waffles (not on sale but we were out) - $1.34 each after 2 $.55/1 coupons
3 Scotch Brite nail saver sponges - FREE after 3 $.50/1 coupons
6 bananas - $1.16
10 Brut deodorants - FREE after 10 $1/1 coupons
16 oz cheddar cheese - $2.99
2 cups Kroger yogurt - $.39 each
1 package string cheese - $3.79
Oscar Mayer beef hotdogs - $1.99
2 bottles Sundown multivitamins - $1.74 each after 2 $3/1 coupons
2 cans peaches - $.58 each
1 bottle Pert Plus shampoo - FREE after $2/1 coupons
2 bottles Clairol Herbal Essences - FREE after $2 Shortcuts coupons and $3 coupon
I also used 2 $4 OYNO coupons. My final total was $25.79.
Last stop was Publix. It is apparently side dish week at Publix as I got lots of free/cheap potatoes, rice, tomatoes and frozen veggies.
I got -
1 bag frozen strawberries - $2.69
12 bags Green Giant Steamers - $.42 of overage after 12 $1/1 coupons (yes, they paid me to take these home)
Barq's Root Beer (not a good deal, but we were out) - $3 after $1/1 coupon
3 bags Ore Ida Steam N Mash potatoes - $.66 per bag after 2 $1/1 coupons and 1 free coupon
Hormel pepperoni - $1.49
5 cans of Muir Glen tomato sauce and 1 can diced tomatoes - $.66 of overage after 4 $1 coupons and 3 $.75 coupons (they paid me to take these home as well)
1 package Kraft American singles - $2.00
2 boxes Kelloggs Pop Tarts - $1.34 each after $1/2 coupon
6 boxes Uncle Ben's rice - $.30 each after 3 $1/2 coupons
1 package frozen Pillsbury Grands cinnamon rolls - FREE after free item coupon
1 6 pack Yoplait yogurt drinks - $1.50 after $.50/1 coupons
My total at Publix was $17.68. Not bad for 6 bags of groceries!
You can see more great savings at Publix at Fiddledeedee.
1 comment:
Lots of giveaways at this site.
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