Since Alexa has dropped her morning nap, I can get out earlier in the morning and get my errands done. We had an interesting trip this morning.

First, we went to CVS, where I spent $3.06 for 2 packs of Pampers, 3 12 packs of Coke, 1 12 pack of Sprite, 2 tubes of Crest toothpaste, and 10 packs of Ice Breakers gum (Mom, I have more coupons for the gum;it turns out to be free). Here's where the excitement began, though. While I was checking out with my millions of coupons and ECBs ( I think I actually used 16), Alexa was sitting in the cart, and Caleb was standing near me. The cashier rang up the Cokes and I balanced them back in the cart. I turned back to the cash register, only to hear a giant crash. The whole cart had fallen over sideways; I'm guessing from the weight of the Cokes. Fortunately, Alexa was buckled in and far enough away from anything that she didn't hit her head. She was screaming, though, because she was understandably scared. The male cashier came around and helped me pick up the cart. I was just going to unbuckle her and get her out because I didn't think I could pick it up, but he acted pretty quickly. After determining that she was okay, he finished scanning my millions of coupons, and I paid my $3.06, a savings of 96%, and headed to the car.
Next stop was the library. We had some things to return, and Caleb is allowed to pick out one movie to check out. Well, he picked out a second copy of a
Cowgirl Dora that we already had checked out from the library and had at home. I went over to the computers to check my account and confirm that we already had the movie, and then I made him put it back. Well, apparently I win the horrible Mommy award because he had a complete meltdown in the library since he wanted that movie. Fortunately for him, he got it together before I made him leave with no movie and was able to pick out something else, which he is now watching.
Next we returned a movie at Blockbuster, which was completely uneventful.

Finally, we went to Publix. I had to take both kids to the bathroom with me. I'm sure you can't believe that I am blogging about going to the bathroom, but if you've ever taken two kids into a public restroom, you know how much fun it can be. Caleb was giving a running commentary such as, "There's the potty. Mommy go potty," and other fun things. Alexa was squatting trying to look under the next stall, which, fortunately, was empty. I told Alexa to get off the floor because it was dirty, so Caleb puts his hand on the floor to point to it to tell Alexa that it is dirty. Umm yeah, so don't touch it if you know it is dirty. Anyway, we survived the bathroom trip and did our shopping. I spent $8.22 on a 1/2 gallon of orange juice, a dozen eggs, three packs of Kraft American cheese, a birthday card for Molly, Publix oatmeal, 2 bottles of Worcestershire sauce, and 4 more bags of Green Giant Steamers. I saved $19.32 0r 70%.
So I can't see the card yet? :) I'm glad Alexa is ok!!
I put it upside down on purpose.
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