I'm so glad that I didn't decide to do early voting. There were tales on the news and from people that I know of waiting in line for 2-3 hours. I left the house around 1:50 (Dave is home, and the kids are napping/having quiet time). I walked right in to the polling station and climbed under all the tape since there were no lines (the lady told me I could). I filled out my information, showed my ID, voted, and was home in less than 20 minutes. For those of you in blog land who are wondering why Dave didn't vote, he is a Canadian citizen. I asked him if he wanted to be cool like me and have a cute sticker, but he didn't seem to care. The kids, however, will probably pilfer my sticker as soon as they see it.
You mean you went straight home!?? Come on! Perfect opportunity to go shopping. :)
Except that I pass no stores on the way to the polling place.
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