Chicken noodle soup
Chicken and wild rice soup
Parmesan garlic tenderloins
Sour cream chicken enchiladas
Orange teriyaki chicken
I'm planning to save most of these meals for after the baby is born, but I might use a few before then. We shall see.
While we were cooking, the kids stayed busy playing on the computer, coloring, reading books, finger painting, watching TV (Caleb), and hanging out in the kitchen with us jabbering constantly (Alexa).
Tonight was the Homecoming football game at Dave's school. First we enjoyed a picnic in the parking lot. Then Dave sang the National Anthem along with three other faculty members. We stayed and watched the first half of the game as well as the Homecoming court. The seniors who were on the Homecoming court got to ride around the field in Corvettes. Alexa liked all the "princesses in cars". It was a bit chilly together, but it was perfect football weather since it actually felt like fall.
Nice blanket!!! Glad you are getting some use out of it. :) and, good to hear you and the baby are doing well.
I should get you one of those snuggle blankets with the sleeves!
And it's always good to see kids playing right around "caution" tape....
I had the blanket because none of my coats will zip. Hopefully that problem will be over once Jordanna is born. :)
And don't worry, they weren't playing by the caution tape, just sitting waiting for Daddy to come out of the bathroom.
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