-The swine flu is going around our area, and several students at Dave's school have/had it.
-I do NOT want to get the flu while pregnant; I am uncomfortable enough as it is.
-We will have a newborn in out house in 6 short weeks. I have never had a winter baby (read - flu season) before, so this will be new territory for me.
- Both kids have already caught several minor illnesses this fall; their immune systems seem to be down for some reason.
Anyway, here's hoping both kiddos (and Mommy) cooperate while getting shots, and that we've gotten them soon enough to keep from getting sick.
UPDATE: Well, that was (almost) completely painless. The doctor had a separate door open for flu vaccines. We did not even have to go into the regular waiting room. There was no one ahead of us. I just filled out the paperwork, and we were ready to go. Both kids were able to get the flu mist, so they didn't even have to get a shot. The mist is not approved during pregnancy, though, so I was the only lucky one who got to have a shot. Alexa was thrilled with my Bugs Bunny band aid. Both kids got a prize, and we were on our way about 10 minutes after we got there.
In and out in 10 minutes is worth celebrating. Like at Chick-fil-A.
There's about 3 hours wait in line around here...we're not getting it get because it's only for high-risk people...and we're not sure if we'll even bother with it.
It was too early to go to Chickfila.
I've heard about waits around here, so I was pleasantly surprised. Pregnant women and young children are in the high risk categories, so we were able to get it pretty easily.
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