Anyway, here are her stats at 15 months.
--Height - 31 inches or 60th percentile
--Weight - 18 pounds, 10 oz (This is below the chart for weight. The doctor is not hugely concerned at this time, but she does want us to come back for a weight check in a month.)
--Still naps twice a day around 9:00 and 2:00. Sleeps about 12 hours at night.
--Is still a great eater. Some of her favorite foods are macaroni and cheese, peas, pancakes, bananas, and anything Dave is eating for his snack.
--Can walk fairly well but still crawls a lot of the time.
--Says several words - Mama, Dada, juice, hi, bye, uh oh, yes, book.
--Loves bath time, pooh bear, her thumb, Daddy getting home from work, going bye, and playing outside.
And loves to tell 'stories' on Skype!
she loves it when I come home from work because she knows I'll share my snack with her
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