

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

An Interview with Alexa - #2

About a year ago, I posted an interview that I did with Alexa. She was much more cooperative today than last year and answered a lot more of the questions

What is your name? Alexa

How old are you?

When is your birthday?
I don’t memember, June 27, maybe

Who is your mommy?

What does Mommy do?
She cooks, and she help us. And they love us.

Who is your daddy?

What does Maddy do?
He help us. He love us.

Who is your brother?

Who is your sister?

Who are your friends?
Jessica and and and Esther and Sophia. Garin and I think it is Rosie.

What is your favorite color?
Um, green

What is your favorite food to eat?
Uh, pizza

What is your favorite song?
I think it’s. I have to sing my song (begins to sing) Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah (quits singing). It’s that one.

What is your favorite movie?
Um, Tinkerbell

What is your favorite book?
Um, Tangled

What is your favorite animal?
Uh, it’s a sheep and a rabbit

What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Uh, nilla

What are your favorite toys to play with?
I love my lion. My toy again is giraffe and um, I love. And one more food I love. For my sert, I love pie.

Where is your favorite place to eat? The pizza place

Who is your favorite person?
Um, Caleb

Who is your best friend?
Uh, Esther and Sophia

Where did your brother come from?
Uh, I don’t memembered.

What is your favorite thing to do?
Huh? (repeat question). I love Caleb and Jordanna. (repeat question again). I love doing a puzzle.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Um, firefighter

Where will you live when you grow up?
I don’t memember. Where I will live Mommy?

What do Mommy and Daddy do after you go to bed?
Uh, they always get dressed.

Where do we go to church?
I don’t memember.

Why do we go to church?
Because that’s our church


Joan said...

Wow. Jessica got top billing on her list of friends. And you must have hit her on an odd day because she didn't say pink was her favorite color.

DreArt said...

oh you forgot to ask: "who is your favourite aunt? "

Molly said...

@Drea - Why, "Aunt" Molly, of course! ;)

Joan said...

It just hit me why Alexa said, "Green." We discussed favorite colors earlier in the day, and my answer was, "Green." :)

DreArt said...

@Molly - Bring it. :P