Tuesday - Caleb and I did not have to go to school since it was winter break. Over the break, the main task I wanted to complete was looking over the kids' summer wardrobes and making lists of what they still need. I succeeded in organizing everything and making lists in my head, but nothing has actually made it on paper yet. Oh well, I tried.
Wednesday - Caleb didn't have speech in the morning, which enabled us to get started on school and get enough done in time to make it to story time at the library. Caleb worked on math while Alexa and Jordanna attended story time and Sierra pooped all over the place. Of course I didn't have a change of clothes for her in the diaper bag, so I had to run to the van for one.
Thursday - My 32nd birthday. We were supposed to have friends over for a play date and lunch, but they had to cancel due to illness. So, instead we got some school work finished, and then I took the kids out for donuts and to the park. I grilled out for dinner because the weather was so warm, and Dave picked up a cake on his way home.
Friday - We hosted our church's monthly women's gathering in the morning. Caleb diligently worked on school while the girls played. It sounds like I torture him, but all the other kids there were much younger than him, and he thinks he is too big to play with them anyway. One of the ladies sent me this picture that she took of Alexa and Molly.
Saturday - I managed to survive the morning until Dave got home. Then I got some groceries without having to drag all four kids with me. We met my parents for dinner and then went back to their house for cupcakes.
Sunday - Church as usual. Both Jordanna and Sierra tried to refuse their afternoon naps, but they eventually gave in, so we were able to head back to church in the evening. Some wonderful ladies volunteered to watch Sierra and Jordanna, so I actually got to hear the sermon, which was nice.
Monday - Mondays start with running around like crazy getting everyone ready to take Caleb to speech therapy, and this Monday was no different. After speech, we stopped at the store to get some Cold Eeze to try to ward off a cold I felt like I was getting. So far it seems to be working. We also dropped off both of Dave's suit coats at the dry cleaner. I usually don't drop off both at the same time because I'm afraid I won't remember to pick them up before Sunday, so someone remind me. Then we came home and got all of Caleb's school finished and most of mine. I must admit, though, that I was still grading papers at school today while eating lunch, but I got them all finished before class started. I also did approximately 78 loads of laundry and took care of a million other random details involved in running a house and in leaving things ready for the babysitter.
Tuesday - Today I worked and Caleb went to school. A wonderful family from school brought us dinner, so I didn't have to worry about that when I got home. Too bad they didn't hire me a maid as well because I did spot clean two bathrooms, do two loads of laundry, unload the dishwasher and other random things after work. I'm tired!
So, now all five of you are caught up on our week. I'll try to blog more often this week, but I make no guarantees, especially if I can't find the camera.
What you can't see if Alexa fighting me tooth and nail because she is NOT a baby! Ha!
I think your camera is playing the Hide-and-Seek Game...so have the kids go and find him
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