Here are her stats -
Weight - 9 lbs 12 oz - 30th percentile
Height - 23 inches - 70th percentile
Head - 41 cm - 90th percentile
The doctor declared her healthy and long and skinny with a big head. So far, she is following a perfect growth curve unlike all her siblings who started out huge and fell down on the chart until they finally settled into their growth curve. And now they are all tall and skinny. Sierra just started out that way.
Here's what Sierra is up to at two months -
-coos and smiles (when she wants to, which is apparently not when she's having portraits made)
-likes sitting in her swing, but no longer falls asleep in there
-for the most part, she can be put down in her bed with her paci when she's drowsy, and she'll go to sleep
-eats, stays awake for an hour or so, sleeps, and then eats again
-naps range from 45 minutes to 3 hours, and usually the longer nap is in the afternoon
-sleeps in the pack n' play next to our bed (doesn't need to sleep upright anymore)
-still can be fussy at times, but she has definitely gotten less fussy over the last two weeks
-still wakes 1-2 times per night, but she usually goes back to sleep pretty quickly after eating
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