Wow, I haven't done this in awhile. But I am back to regular menu planning now that Sierra is slightly less grumpy. Having a menu plan helps me keep the grocery budget under control, and it makes for calmer evenings when dinner is planned and actually on the table at a decent time. So, here's what we're eating this week.
Monday - Homemade pizza, salad
Tuesday - Pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, pineapple
Wednesday - Chicken Parmesan, salad, garlic bread
Thursday - Sausage and potato bake, green beans
Friday - BBQ chicken sandwiches, oven fries, carrots
Saturday - Enchiladas, corn, chips and salsa
Sunday - Church dinner, taking pepperoni casserole
Monday, April 30, 2012
A Day In Our Life
Well really just a morning because I got tired of taking pictures by then.
Usually Jordanna and Alexa are up first (well really Dave is, but he is gone before we get up). By 8:00, we had finished breakfast. I was still checking out Facebook and e-mail on my Kindle.
The girls ran off to watch TV.
Caillou is Jordanna's current favorite.
While they were watching TV, I snuck upstairs and touched up my toenails (where Alexa wouldn't see me because I didn't have time to do hers).
And I did some laundry. I generally start every day by putting some laundry in.
Then I got Caleb's school work for the day laid out for him.
Alexa unloaded the dishwasher for me.
And Caleb finally got up.
Jordanna supervised.
All three kids got dressed. Alexa dressed Jordanna. She's wearing a bib because they are playing "baby".
Sierra was still sleeping (at 9:00), so I snuck in my room (where she sleeps) to get dressed.
She did wake up shortly thereafter, and she helped me teach Caleb some math.
Caleb took a break for some Sierra cuddles.
Meanwhile, Alexa and Jordanna played.
I finally made myself some coffee.
Then Sierra went down for a nap, and the big kids got a snack.
We took a break from school for some swinging.
Proof that I was there.
Sierra woke up from her nap. She does this funny head angle when I go in to get her.
I fed her some prunes to help a certain issue she is having.
Then she sat in the swing.
And I made lunch for everyone else.
After lunch, Jordanna went down for her nap. Alexa rocked Sierra for me while I put the sheets back on our bed.
Then Alexa went to Caleb's room for some quiet time. Sierra and I hung out in my room and Caleb downstairs.
After naps, I got everyone ready to go, and we met Dave near his school. He took Caleb to a birthday party at Chuck. E Cheese, and I took the girls to my parents' house for dinner. The End.
Usually Jordanna and Alexa are up first (well really Dave is, but he is gone before we get up). By 8:00, we had finished breakfast. I was still checking out Facebook and e-mail on my Kindle.
The girls ran off to watch TV.
Caillou is Jordanna's current favorite.
While they were watching TV, I snuck upstairs and touched up my toenails (where Alexa wouldn't see me because I didn't have time to do hers).
And I did some laundry. I generally start every day by putting some laundry in.
Then I got Caleb's school work for the day laid out for him.
Alexa unloaded the dishwasher for me.
And Caleb finally got up.
Jordanna supervised.
All three kids got dressed. Alexa dressed Jordanna. She's wearing a bib because they are playing "baby".
Sierra was still sleeping (at 9:00), so I snuck in my room (where she sleeps) to get dressed.
She did wake up shortly thereafter, and she helped me teach Caleb some math.
Caleb took a break for some Sierra cuddles.
Meanwhile, Alexa and Jordanna played.
I finally made myself some coffee.
Then Sierra went down for a nap, and the big kids got a snack.
We took a break from school for some swinging.
Proof that I was there.
Sierra woke up from her nap. She does this funny head angle when I go in to get her.
I fed her some prunes to help a certain issue she is having.
Then she sat in the swing.
And I made lunch for everyone else.
After lunch, Jordanna went down for her nap. Alexa rocked Sierra for me while I put the sheets back on our bed.
Then Alexa went to Caleb's room for some quiet time. Sierra and I hung out in my room and Caleb downstairs.
After naps, I got everyone ready to go, and we met Dave near his school. He took Caleb to a birthday party at Chuck. E Cheese, and I took the girls to my parents' house for dinner. The End.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
My Sweet Sierra
And Jordanna, too, but this post is about Sierra.
I took Sierra for her cranial ultrasound on Friday. Afterwards, the tech told me that our doctor would get the report in 2-3 days. After playing phone tag with our doctor on Monday, I finally was able to talk to him and get the results. He said first of all not to worry and that in two places on the report it said that the findings were okay. But, they did find two abnormalities. First, she has two cysts in the right ventricle. The concern about these is that they could obstruct the flow of spinal fluid. She also likely has BESSI (Benign Enlargement of the Subarachnoid Spaces of Infancy) Syndrome. Her doctor stressed that the first word of this is benign. Basically, from what I can tell, she will have a big head until she is two at which point it will even out. However, her head will probably always be above the 90th percentile.
So, where do we go from here? Well, not being an expert in the brain, Sierra's pediatrician referred us to a pediatric neurosurgeon (side note - what a blessing to live close to one of the top 3 children's hospitals in the country). I spoke with them yesterday, and her doctor faxed the surgeon her reports. So now we wait to see if the neurosurgeon wants to see her for more testing, or if he concurs with the radiologist who said on the report that she was fine.
In the meantime, we would covet your prayers for our sweet Sierra and for wisdom for us and for her doctors.
I took Sierra for her cranial ultrasound on Friday. Afterwards, the tech told me that our doctor would get the report in 2-3 days. After playing phone tag with our doctor on Monday, I finally was able to talk to him and get the results. He said first of all not to worry and that in two places on the report it said that the findings were okay. But, they did find two abnormalities. First, she has two cysts in the right ventricle. The concern about these is that they could obstruct the flow of spinal fluid. She also likely has BESSI (Benign Enlargement of the Subarachnoid Spaces of Infancy) Syndrome. Her doctor stressed that the first word of this is benign. Basically, from what I can tell, she will have a big head until she is two at which point it will even out. However, her head will probably always be above the 90th percentile.
So, where do we go from here? Well, not being an expert in the brain, Sierra's pediatrician referred us to a pediatric neurosurgeon (side note - what a blessing to live close to one of the top 3 children's hospitals in the country). I spoke with them yesterday, and her doctor faxed the surgeon her reports. So now we wait to see if the neurosurgeon wants to see her for more testing, or if he concurs with the radiologist who said on the report that she was fine.
In the meantime, we would covet your prayers for our sweet Sierra and for wisdom for us and for her doctors.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Sierra's Four Month Stats
Here are her stats at 4 months -
Weight - 11 lbs 14 oz - 20th percentile
Height - 25 1/4 inches - 75th percentile
Head - 45 cm - over 100th percentile
Her doctor wants to have her head checked out as a precaution since it is so large and grew a lot since her last visit. She goes for a cranial ultrasound tomorrow. Other than that, she was given a clean bill of health.
And just for good measure, here are all 4 of my cuties.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Movie Night
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Four Months Old
Sierra would NOT smile for her four month picture today. She just looked at me like I was crazy. I even got Alexa to try to help me get her to smile, but it didn't work.

So, later on in the day, I tried to take her picture again, this time with Dave to help me (she has on a new outfit because she spit on the other one). Still no smiles. Oh well, she's cute anyway.
Here's what Sierra is up to at four months -
-Weighs just shy of 12 pounds. She goes to the doctor next Wednesday for her check up, so I'll get an exact weight and height then.
-Wears 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers. The cloth diapers I have are starting to fit her pretty well, so she's in cloth part of the time.
-Still spits A LOT!
-Used to take a bottle fairly well on the day that I work, but now completely refuses. The babysitter is lucky to get 1 oz down her during the 6ish hours I'm gone.
-Sleeps with her paci, but chews on her hands often while she is awake.
-Still likes the swing and the play mat. Loves being outside and rarely fusses especially while swinging with Daddy in the hammock.
-On a good day, takes 2 short morning naps, one long afternoon nap, and one short evening nap. On a bad day, who knows?
-Eats about every 3 hours.
-Still waking twice most nights. Yawn! Fortunately, she goes right back to sleep after eating.
-Still loves to smile at and talk to Daddy. Also really likes Alexa. And today, she noticed Audrey and smiled at her.
-Controls her head much better now, but is still not 100%.
-Doesn't really roll over, but does kick around. I'll put her down with her head one way and come back to find her feet where her head was.
So, later on in the day, I tried to take her picture again, this time with Dave to help me (she has on a new outfit because she spit on the other one). Still no smiles. Oh well, she's cute anyway.
-Weighs just shy of 12 pounds. She goes to the doctor next Wednesday for her check up, so I'll get an exact weight and height then.
-Wears 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers. The cloth diapers I have are starting to fit her pretty well, so she's in cloth part of the time.
-Still spits A LOT!
-Used to take a bottle fairly well on the day that I work, but now completely refuses. The babysitter is lucky to get 1 oz down her during the 6ish hours I'm gone.
-Sleeps with her paci, but chews on her hands often while she is awake.
-Still likes the swing and the play mat. Loves being outside and rarely fusses especially while swinging with Daddy in the hammock.
-On a good day, takes 2 short morning naps, one long afternoon nap, and one short evening nap. On a bad day, who knows?
-Eats about every 3 hours.
-Still waking twice most nights. Yawn! Fortunately, she goes right back to sleep after eating.
-Still loves to smile at and talk to Daddy. Also really likes Alexa. And today, she noticed Audrey and smiled at her.
-Controls her head much better now, but is still not 100%.
-Doesn't really roll over, but does kick around. I'll put her down with her head one way and come back to find her feet where her head was.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Easter 2012
My sweethearts. If these outfits look familiar, check here.
Hunting for eggs that Grammy and Gramps hid before we got home from church.

Dave's fashion statement.
Checking out their loot - $1 bills.
Spring Break Part Two
On Thursday, we had some friends over to play, have an egg hunt (the first of three), and eat lunch. We had a great time!
Friday, we took a walk.
Jordanna loves riding in the stroller because she usually doesn't get a chance since Sierra is in it.
Sierra rode along with Mommy. She was a bit grumpy but finally fell asleep.

On Saturday, we let the kids open their Easter baskets.

Alexa showing Sierra her card.
Saturday afternoon, I took Caleb, Alexa, and Sierra to an egg hunt hosted by one of Caleb's classmates. Jordanna stayed home with Daddy so that she could nap.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Showing Off Grammy's Handiwork
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