2) Accidentally falling asleep during nap time caused me to miss Molly's phone call (which I was supposed to be listening for so I could pick up Alexa) and miss my window of opportunity to prepare the dinner I had planned for tonight.
3) After running out of time to make the dinner I had planned, I contemplated what else I could make, but I had already used up all my easy meal ideas (hot dogs, quesadillas, and breakfast) over the last few days. So I ordered pizza.
4) The kids were happier with a pizza picnic on the porch than they would have been with dinner anyways.
6) Speaking of breaks, you know that day that I work once a week. Don't feel sorry for me that I have to work. After caring for, home schooling, training, disciplining, and loving on 4 children for the rest of the week, teaching middle school and high school students feels like a break. They know how to wipe their own noses and can even carry on a fairly intelligent conversation.
7) The task before me seems insurmountable. Often. There are never enough hours in the day to do everything I want to do or even everything I feel like I should do. Keeping food in the fridge and getting it on the table at regular intervals. Clothing 4 children and 2 adults in (preferably) clean clothing. Keeping the house clean or at least liveable. Loving my children and my husband. Being a good sister, daughter, church member, teacher, and friend. I have much on my plate.
8) In the words of my two wise friends, Molly and Stacy, "The hard days come to an end, and bedtime always comes." Not only that, but God's mercies to me are new every morning, and His faithfulness is great. His grace is sufficient for all my needs and where He calls, He also equips.
9) I've always wanted a big family, and I guess to many 4 seems big. Four seems just right to me, and I'm more and more willing to admit to being done. I have a friend who had 7 kids in pretty quick succession, and she said that she pretty much stayed home for the last several years because someone always needed a nap. That's just not me. I thrive on being out and about, and four is about the limit for me being able to do that. We go to the park, to lunch with friends, to the library, shopping, etc.
10) While being a mom is harder than I ever imagined it to be, it also brings more joy than I ever could have imagined. I love these 4 little people so much, and I can't imagine life without them.
awesome shirt, dave!!!! :)
Hi, Emily! I've been reading your blog for a while; I think I found the link on Facebook maybe? I'm sorry I've never commented before, but I just had to say "thank you" for this post! I get so overwhelmed with taking care of just my one baby; it's encouraging to see that mothering doesn't actually come easy for anyone! I really needed the reminder that where God calls, He will equip. Thank you!
I have three, five and under. Today I needed a break. Tha ks for the reassurance that I am not alone:-)
You're doing a great job. I brag on you all the time.
You're doing a teriffic job and Dave is a great Dad too!
Love keeping up with you via blog! :)
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