So, later on in the day, I tried to take her picture again, this time with Dave to help me (she has on a new outfit because she spit on the other one). Still no smiles. Oh well, she's cute anyway.
-Weighs just shy of 12 pounds. She goes to the doctor next Wednesday for her check up, so I'll get an exact weight and height then.
-Wears 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers. The cloth diapers I have are starting to fit her pretty well, so she's in cloth part of the time.
-Still spits A LOT!
-Used to take a bottle fairly well on the day that I work, but now completely refuses. The babysitter is lucky to get 1 oz down her during the 6ish hours I'm gone.
-Sleeps with her paci, but chews on her hands often while she is awake.
-Still likes the swing and the play mat. Loves being outside and rarely fusses especially while swinging with Daddy in the hammock.
-On a good day, takes 2 short morning naps, one long afternoon nap, and one short evening nap. On a bad day, who knows?
-Eats about every 3 hours.
-Still waking twice most nights. Yawn! Fortunately, she goes right back to sleep after eating.
-Still loves to smile at and talk to Daddy. Also really likes Alexa. And today, she noticed Audrey and smiled at her.
-Controls her head much better now, but is still not 100%.
-Doesn't really roll over, but does kick around. I'll put her down with her head one way and come back to find her feet where her head was.
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