

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I am so glad that Caleb is finally talking for many reasons. 1) It means he is not developmentally delayed and does not need special intervention. 2) He can finally tell me why is he crying or what is bothering him or what he wants. 3) It gets awfully boring talking to myself all day when neither child ever answers. 4) He says cute things that make great blog material.

Here are some of the funny things he has said lately -
-"Stuck in dere (there)." He says this repeatedly whenever he things something is stuck, most recently when his train was too tall to go through the tunnel and when he couldn't get his head out of his shirt.
-"Good night, train. Love you, train." His train has one track thingamajig that makes the train lie sideways. He said this whenever the train was on it's side.
-"Ball mess in dere (there)," said to Dave when the ball rolled under the back deck
-"Eat corn, carrots, green balls (peas)"
-"Alexa threw up; Alexa get it new car seat." I'm impressed that he made the connection about why she was riding in a different car seat. I washed and air dried the cover of the one she threw up in, so she was using the spare.
-Last night I put him in new pajamas that had a cow, sheep, and dog on them, and he spontaneously started singing Old MacDonald.
-He kept telling me yesterday, "Gramps go to church with you (meaning himself)." When I asked him if Grammy and Uncle Phillip (who he sat in between at church on Sunday) went to church with him, too, he said, "Grammy finish church. Uncle Phillip finish church."
-He walked around yesterday carrying a Winnie the Pooh story book with handles and kept saying, "Caleb blue purse." Dave and I both explained to him that boys don't carry purses, but he didn't seem to care.
-Yesterday, my dad walked in with a new computer CD-ROM, which basically looks like a silver metal box if you aren't paying attention. Caleb, however, was paying attention, and immediately began repeating, "Gramps get it new CD player."
-Tonight we were getting Alexa to point out eyes and noses. When we got to ears, Caleb covered Dave's ears with 2 halves of a play egg and said, "Daddy's ears all gone."


DreArt said...

Guys carry man purses, called "murses", here on the west coast....now I know what to get Caleb for Christmas HA HA HA

Dave said...

Another Caleb-ism: "Caleb finish potty" to say he doesn't want to potty train.

Annette Feschbaum said...

My fave I've heard is when he sings the A, B, C's, "A, B, C . . . H, I, J, K, Elmo, P . . . "

EmilyV said...

You mean Elmo is not a letter of the alphabet?