

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Publix Observations

Yesterday, I ran into Publix to return two boxes of cereal. I meant to grab the ones that were Buy One Get One Free, but I grabbed two that were not on sale. Oops.

Observation #1 - Be careful to get the correct size product.
Observation #2 - Check your receipt BEFORE you leave the store so that you don't have to go back.

The manager at the Customer Service desk was very nice and asked if I wanted the amount put back on my debit card or in cash. I had to choose the cash since Dave still had my debit card from returning a movie on Saturday.

Observation #3 - My Publix has very nice managers who are generally very coupon friendly.
Observation #4 - Make sure you have your debit card BEFORE you leave for the store.

After returning the cereal, I got the kids cookies from the bakery, and then I grabbed a few groceries. I got 3 bananas, 1/3 lb deli chicken lunch meat, 4 boxes of cereal (the same kind I returned, but the right size this time), a 4 pack of toilet paper, and a box of waffles. I paid using coupons, of course, and the cash that I had just gotten from my return. I even still had $1 left over after purchasing all this.

Observation #5 - Whoever came up with the idea of the Publix Cookie Club is a genius. My kids love going to Publix because they get to ride in a car cart (which always has working seat belts unlike the ones at many other stores) and eat cookies.
Observation #6 - NEVER pay full price, especially for cereal. Look how much more I was able to purchase with less money by shopping sales and using coupons.


Joan said...

Would you please pull yourself together next time?

EmilyV said...

At least I didn't lose or forget a kid.