#1 - CVS

4 boxes Throat Coolers
2 bottles Infants Motrin
1 Garnier styling product
2 packages Stayfree pads
2 rolls Mentos (added because my total was in the negative)
I spent $.21 (my subtotal was -$.90) and saved $53.89. I also earned back more ECBs than I spent.
#2 - Target

A diaper bag on clearance (I have 2 that are way past their prime. One is ripped and one has lost the changing pad)
2 boxes Electrasol - $.75 each
#3 - Walgreens

3 Garnier products (I was going to get 4, but she made up a limit of three. The cashier said I could get the other one in another transaction, but I decided that was too much of a pain.)
3 Ben and Jerry's ice creams ('cause we really needed more)
1 box Puffs
I paid $0 out of pocket (I used a Walgreens gift card to pay the $1.39 I owed), and I saved $25.35.
#4 - Publix

5 Lean Cuisine meals $6.15 total for all 5
2 boxes Savorings - $.90 each
1 Sorrento cheese sticks - $2.00
1 Laughing Cow cheese - $1.94
My total was $12.23, and I saved $19.92.
And you need a new diaper bag beeeecauuuuse...? ;)
Because I still have two kids in diapers. :P
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