This is what I am doing this morning -

- making breakfast for a hungry little boy (and for myself) who has now consumed 3 waffles, 2 pieces of bacon, and a glass of orange juice.
This is what Alexa is doing this morning -

-still sleeping IN MY BED! (Notice her Canada socks, Oma and Opa.) She woke up screaming shortly before six, and we ended up putting her in bed with us so she wouldn't wake Caleb up since they share a room. She drifted back to sleep right about the time Caleb woke up.
I have to admit, though, that both of these options are better than working today, like Dave is doing. I do love the opportunity to be home with my starving, sleepy children as much as possible.
If you think that isn't fair, come scrape wallpaper for a few hours.
Maybe your "little" boy is not so little anymore...must be in another growing spurt!
That little girl is my little stinker.
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