At Publix, I saved $100.61 and spent $32.34, for a savings of 76%. I had a coupon for $2/$20 purchase, which I used to bring my total down a bit.
Here's what I got. Prices listed are after coupons and sales.

7 boxes Jolly Time popcorn - free
2 bags Quaker cheddar cheese rice cakes - $.79 each
1 loaf Publix wheat bread - $1.69 (It is $.88 at Kroger, but I did not want to go to one more store. So, I just got one loaf to tide us over until the next time I go to Kroger.)
1 dozen eggs - $1.49
1 pint blueberries - $2.99
1 box Corn Pops - $1.15
2 bottles Lysol multipurpose cleaner - $.35 each
4 bottles Lawry's marinade - $.43 each
2 boxes Yoplait gogurt - $.73 each
1 box Quaker instant oatmeal - $.95
3 Betty Crocker muffin mixes - $.50 each
3 boxes Dreamfield pasta - $.67 each
Beef Smoked Sausage - $2.00
Bananas - $1.20
1 bag Lender's bagels - $.80
2 bags shredded cheese - $1.62 each
4 cans Del Monte vegetables - $.10 overage each
1 jar Smuckers strawberry jam - $.90
1 bottle Mott's apple juice - $1.48
1 bottle Publix white grape juice - $.01
1 pack juice boxes - $.39
Check out Fiddledeedee for more Publix savings!
Is the peanut butter made by KRAFT?
because they're the best!
And what size jars are they because I haven't found them yet in your pile of groceries.
No, no Kraft PB here. The jars are not in the picture; the picture is just the stuff I got at Publix.
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