I did a quick trip this morning to pick up some more Smart Balance milk (I got the last 2 on Friday), the penny item, and a few other things. I spent $8.45 and saved $25.59, which is a savings of 75%.
Here's what I got -
2 bags Rosetto frozen pasta - $1.35 each (Used 1 $1.50/2 printable coupon here)
2 1/2 gallons Smart Balance milk - FREE (Used 2 free Smart Balance milk WYB Smart Balance buttery spread from 6/28 RP)
2 tubs Smart Balance buttery spread - $.90 each (Used $1.00/2 printable coupon here)
1 package strawberries - $1.50 (Used $1.00/1 Target coupon)
1 package Knorr pesto mix - $.59 (Used $.50/1 coupon from 6/28 RP)
1 box Kim and Scott's gourmet stuffed pretzels - $1.50 (Used $1.00/1 printable here)
Wow. And I paid $2.50 for my strawberries....
They were $.99 at one store near me the other day. I bought 5 cartons and froze them for smoothies.
i paid $2.99 for mine.... man.
Or you could pick-your-own for only $.75 - $1.00 a quart...and spread them out on a cookie sheet and freeze them.
Then they are frozen individual and then you store them in a freezer bag.
(that is if you have berry patches in your area...the Niagara area has tons)
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