I was doing so great with blogging last week but have kinda slacked off again this week. So, here's what we have been up to.
Monday we finished up our school week about "L" is for leaves by making sugar cookies in the shape of leaves. How handy that I just so happen to have a maple leaf shaped cookie cutter hanging around thanks to my mom.
Tuesday was my last day of school before Thanksgiving Break. I don't go back for 2 weeks. It was an interesting day, however, because the other teacher was not there. Since the headmaster was tied up in a meeting for most of the morning, I simultaneously taught middle school English and high school history. I think I managed to at least touch on everything on my lesson plans and the other teacher's lesson plans, but I made no guarantee. I was exhausted when I got home, but Alexa had decided not to nap, so I didn't get much of a break. And Dave had an Open House that night, so I did bath and bed time by myself and then collapsed.
Yesterday, I had a random burst of energy, so I put it to good use cleaning and organizing the laundry room, washing cloth diapers to get them ready for Jordanna, vacumming the house and the van, and switching around and installing car seats. We also went to CVS, the library for story time, and Publix. Alexa and I took nice long naps. And then I made dinner for a family from church with a new baby and dinner for us. After dinner, we went to a special Thanksgiving prayer meeting for our church, which was followed by homemade hot cocoa and cookies. We got home late with two very tired children.
This morning, neither of the kiddos slept in, so they were a bit (VERY) grumpy. We managed to survive the morning. I even got some laundry done and organized the kitchen utensil drawer. It was getting a bit scary in there. I also put clean sheets on Alexa's bed and on her trundle for upcoming guests and swept and mopped the kitchen floor. Then we went to drop off some clothes to be donated, pick up some stain remover at Ace Hardware, and meet Aunt Molly at her school. We had a yummy lunch at La Parilla before we went to deliver the meal I had made to the new mom from church. They recently moved to a beautiful new house, which is almost an hour from our house (with the church situated almost halfway in between), so we spent a lot of time in the car today. The kids had fun playing with the baby's two year old brother, while Molly and I took our turns holding the baby. Alexa slept all the way home, which was good. This afternoon, I finished up the laundry and set up the changing table in the girls' room and a changing station in our room with diapers for Jordanna.
I still have a few things on my on my to-do-list before the baby is born in addition to the regular cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc.
-pack my hospital bag
-shop for stocking stuffers for the kiddos, Dave, and myself
-stock up on light bulbs and batteries (we are almost out of both)
-get all my lesson plans and copies made for school for the 3 weeks before Christmas break
-put up the Christmas tree and decorations
-find my winter clothes and reorganize my closet so I actually have something to wear once the baby is born
I alternate between wanting her to come early, so I can be done with all the discomforts of pregnancy and wanting her to wait until I have all my ducks in a row. I guess we shall see what happens.