

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Little Librarian

Grammy has been taking the kids to story time at her library on Tuesdays, and I take them to our library on Wednesdays. Well, Alexa has started "reading" her books facing outwards like a librarian. If she finishes eating first (like in the picture), she will get a pile of books to read to us while we finish. This morning she even sang me some songs that she learned at the library. She often gets a bunch of her babies together and reads to them as well. Too cute!


Molly said...

Taking after her Aunt Molly...aww!!

Dave said...

or taking after Oma

DreArt said...

or she'll be a teacher like mom and dad! Either way, I guess it runs in the family lines....

Oma and Opa said...

Can she read upside-down? That may help...oh, it would also help if she has learned to read yet! Way too cute!